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Jumbo Cold Frame

Guest Insects Beware

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Guest Insects Beware

Hi All!

Very quick question - I have been looking for a decent sized cold frame for my small garden to house my VFT's, 1 Ping & in dormency my small S.Alata.

I think I have found the perfect candidate at B&Q:


Has anyone bought ones of these? At less than £50 I don't think that I can go far wrong but if anyone has any suggestions of anything else that I should be looking at they would be very helpfull.



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Is it to permanently house those plants? If it is only a temporary measure ASDA do a plastic clad frame, takes about six seed trays on two levels, for £11.44.

I have one up in my greenhouse for a little extra protection and climate control for my highland Neps, for over the summer.

Is B&Q have something similar http://www.diy.co.uk/diy/jsp/bq/product/pr...771&paintCatId=

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Guest Insects Beware

Cheers for getting back to me quickly Bob!

It is going to be a permanent fixture until I get a bigger garden.

I had a look at the ones that you have linked to but they seem a little flimsy for a permanent solution thats why I went for the all glass frame.

It seems plently large enough though (4'2"L*2'10"W*2'H).

Anything else I have missed?


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There is a base made of 8x2" pressure-treated timber, bolted together. This is lined with pond-liner. A mirror lies on the bottom to help reflect heat. The base is filled with water (7" deep or so). There is a 200W aquarium heater on the mirror - it might melt the liner if it was in contact. A very small pump ciculates the water. There are four bricks supporting a solid metal mesh rack above the water (I think it's part of an old bed - I found it at the local dump), on which the plants stand. The heater is set to keep the water at whatever temperature is neccessary to achiveve a minimum air temperature of about 12C. The coldframe sits on the timber. The ambient greenhouse temperature drops to just above freezing, but this tank stays warm.

It is also self-watering to an extent, as the large amounts of condensation drip back onto the plants.

The macro-utrics particularly like it, although live sphagnum runs riot a bit in there and has to be trimmed.

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Guest Insects Beware

Cheers Guys

I think I'll buy one this weekend - I can always use it for Neps when I buy a greenhouse (cheers for the idea Rob!).

As for the Sarracenia I'll have to construct a base that will have a low area that I can put the pot in to allow for the extra height.

Thanks Again


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I have two coldframes almost the same as those in B&Q.

It as seen plants such as VFT,Darlingtonia and low sarra's through dormancy OK.

I think they are a good idea if your space is limited.

The price...... well mine were around £40 and well worth it. :D

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