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hamata - at last


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Congratulations! That's quite an achievement :yes: How tall is the vine?

Hamata uppers are really quite bizarre ...


The vine is around 3ft, and this is the first pitcher the vine has carried, whilst it happily prodices multiple lowers from the basals

Seems to be espscially fussy about uppers

The are indeed bizarre - this was one of the first things I really wanted to grow, so this is the fulfillment of a long held ambition


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OK Dave now you are taking the p"*$ with these photos... beautiful. I'll second that about the fastidious nature of hamata for making uppers, my plant continues to vine (its about 5-6ft) producing leaves only on the last 4ft of vine, but quite happily produces pitchers on the two basal offshoots. If only it knew how close I am to taking the scissors to it, although your photo has maybe given it some extra time.


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