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Speeding up rate of growth of seed grown plants


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I have had quite a lot of success growing VFT's from seed. They are very slow growing even if they are in bright sun and warm. Are there any tricks to speed up their growth ? I have used about an inch of compost in small trays so the compost tends to vary from being very wet to much drier. I think I might use a much deeper layer for future attempts so that the compost is a more consistent dampness.

I have also got small plants and some of them seem to cease growing for some reason so is there anything that can be done to give them a boost ? I have noticed that the compost used in some plants that I have bought contains slow release fertiliser so I have added some granules to the compost that I used today to pot up a newly received small plant (5ml Miracle Grow in a 50/50 peat/perlite mix in a medium sized rose pot)

I have got some Superthrive but I have not given it a try. Has anyone got any favourable things to say about it? Does using it have any effect whatsoever or is it Moonshine ?

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I use a slow release fertiliser in our compost plus.However I would not use it at this time of year for repotting as i want to be sure that it is used up well before the end of the growing season so no build up takes place during winter,also prevent soft growth later in year.We take Compost Plus of our website from start of June to prevent customers useing it too late.It certainly boosts the growth of vft's but i would not use it on seedlings letting the natural nitrogen in the new peat give the plants a boost.

Regards Alistair

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