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Adrian Slack’s Three Giants


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I think it is time to draw a line in the sand. Everyone knows here in the UK the G clone reference system, but maybe its time for some of the more spectacular clones to get a cultivar name..

Maybe Graham Sadd should name both the G14 and G16 clones as we all refer to those?

Back to the '1979' plant and having bought it from a flowershop then at Waterloo Railway station, what should we call that?

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Seriously, does it really matter that the G14 and G16 forms don't have a name such as Mega trap or Mega mouth? Do the forms become any more spectacular and interesting simply by changing the name of the plants from a number to a word?

These forms have been widely distributed under the names G14 and G16 for many years and any change will surely only introduce confusion.

Keep them as they are I say.


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Guest Dave2150
Hi CPUK Forum Members #28 and #39,

I will call you CPUK28 and CPUK39.

G#’s are not names they are reference #’s. In my reference system ‘Mega Trap’ is B9.

When Mike King named ‘Mega Trap’ he was observing the consistent large growth of Adrian Slack’s Giant Rosetted VFT. You can call this plant whatever you like. But this fine specimen is worthy of more than a number designation or a price tag.

I think the name ‘Mega Trap’ is an acceptable name for an exceptional VFT, originally grown by Adrian Slack, and named ‘Mega Trap’ by CPUK24.

Take care,


Ventura California, 93003

G14 has a name going around of "Dirk Venthams Giant" - although I dont know who named it this.

Surely its for Graham to decide what to name it (or Slack !) unless he says otherwise ?

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Guest Dave2150
Hi Dave

There was a discussion at Mike Kings mini open day when Vic was distributing some VFT seed of G16 crossed by South West Giant and Graham said something about them being the same plant

I think that Dirk Ventham was the guy who supplied Graham with his G14 plant

We need Graham and Alistair Pierce to set the record straight



As I read it off these forums, he claimed that Slacks Giant and South West Giant are the same plant.

For some reason G16, which is a completly different vft, was given the name Slacks Giant at some stage - so as I understand it, it goes as follows :

G16 = Deep Red Trapped Rosetted type with large traps

Southwest giant/Slacks Giant = Large vertical Clone with pinker traps.

G16 and SW Giant are both from Slack - so both could be called Slacks Giant by mistake, I would expect.

It is easy for us to prove they are different plats are they grow completely different.

I agree we need Graham Sadd and Alistair Pierce to straighted this up once and for all - or its going to be terribly confusing, with with G16 being named 'MegaTrap' now too :?

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As a relative newbie Aidan S gave me loads of help in working out what all the cultivars and unregistered 'cultivars'. I actualy think the situation is very simple and got my head around it quickly. What makes the situation confusing for every one experianced or not experianced is that there are a number of names for the same clones and different clones with apparently the same name!

While this situation could be resolved through cultivar registartion of plants (and then growers sticking to these) this appears to be difficult to acheive. Couldn't we (i.e. UK growers on CPUK) produce an informal list of the different VFT using Bobz's photos as the standard, writting a detailed description, list of used names and formal name to be adopted by all (i.e. as close as possible to the cultivar descriptions)?

Surely until such a list (or more importantly a written and accessible description of each plant) exists and is adopted by growers there will always be confussion.

After general agreement of the descriptions and standard photo for each VFT by experianced members the list could be published so that VFTs could acheive cultivar status and the appropriate person given credit for each VFT.

I would be more than happy to help with the formation of such a list through CPUK; unfortuantely forming a list myself would be difficult due to my inexperiance. I'm sure I am not the first to suggest such a list!

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GAWD!!! This is being drawn out some what!

QUOTE: " Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?" ( all right I know it is a miss-quote.)

Grow the ones you like and call them what you like, unless there is an internationally recognised system of registration ( You know, like they use over at the ICPS club??) and naming this confusion and discussion will continue indefinately.

:-) :-) :-)

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Guest Dave2150
Hi Phil,

Waterloo sunset '79 maybe appropriate as it was late afternoon coming back from Kew when I first got it..!

It is a special plant for sure

Im growing more exitied at recieving the few vfts ive ordered from you now Mike ! :lol:

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Ya maybe this tread turned tangled (lol on the alliteration :mrgreen:)

But Brad is a very helpful member around. Heck he solved numerous of my problems pertinent to CPs. I admire how much integrity his helpful replies have. So I must say he is not nearly a trouble maker.

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Guest Dave2150
Ya maybe this tread turned tangled (lol on the alliteration :mrgreen:)

But Brad is a very helpful member around. Heck he solved numerous of my problems pertinent to CPs. I admire how much integrity his helpful replies have. So I must say he is not nearly a trouble maker.

Well hes not exactly helping make collecting for UK and US members easy, by renaming the G16.

Surely Graham Sadd, who distributed the G16, should name it, or say whether he allows Megatrap.

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Dave look on the bright side-we all learned somthing form this. For example, you learned that all of those VFTs orignated from Adrian Slack. :mrgreen:

And that was the primary reason for Brad posting this.....

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Guest Dave2150
Again, I agree with Dave. It can only be up to Graham to name/rename these plants. No one else!

Alex :)

Thanks for the supprort.

This is the list of people who have expressed to keep the name the same, or have it labeled as "G16 - Megatrap"


Aidan S


Alvin Meister

Feel free to express your opinion here, and I will add you to the list.

Of course if Graham Sadd decided he wanted to use the name Megatrap,l then I would be satisfied. (I would still label it as G16/Megatrap though, to help people new to vft collecting understand and not get confused and end up with duplicates).

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Guest padedeji


Whilst I would not change the name, if someone wants to register them as cultivars that is a different story

I dont think Graham ever named any he just used a index system, he has said that he intends to list all his VFTs when he gets the time, something I look forward to seeing



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