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Sarracenia "Chipola Giant"

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Good evening @ all!

I want to show you my most beautiful Sarracenia in this thread!

It´s the Sarracenia "Chipola Giant"

Thomas L and me grow several plants (some on my roof deck an some in Thomas´ bog)

I don´t know if this clone is very common in culture?

Anyway, i present you my plants:

The "Big Boy"


Another plant in early summer:


See the 1€ coin - this plant is huge!!!


Typical for this clone - the pink flower:


A cion - only two month old!


Look at the great, broad leaf:


The "little plant" a few days ago:


Last picture with my hand:


Now two pics of the plant from Thomas L:



I hope you like the pictures and the plant?

If the weather is good the next days i will take more pictures to show you more details of the plant!

The plants have actual 2 big seed-bags. We hope that we get a lot of seeds this year!!!

Best regards

Thomas & Thomas (T&T)

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Its not a clon. Its a location variant.

The full name is:

Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa var chipola giant

Chipola is a tributary from the Apalachio river in Florida.

My chipola is in 36cm in the diameter and one pitcher has a size from 22cm with a wide of 7cm.

Its my most important Sarracenia.

They just flowering so i hope thats give a lot of seeds.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody!

Today I took some pictures of the new member in my "Chipola-family"

Here it is: Big brother of the big boy!



Huge pitchers, about 23cm!!!



The whole family:


The smallest Chipola:


Everytime new pichers:


Big boy:


A hybrid from "Chipola Giant" x flava


I hope you enjoy the pictures!?

Best regards,


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great plants.

Do you have some outside in a bog? Do they survive OK over winter?

I tried some of my Chipola plant in my bog a couple of years ago and it was not happy, too cold I suspect, still not fully recovered.

This is my plant grown from seed from the ICPS seedbank in the late 1980's (labelled S.purp. venosa var burkii Chipola)


it's a big, dark coloured plant


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Hi Stephen!

Wow, your plant looking great. Very nice colour!

I guess it´s the same clone you have. I have 3 Chipola´s and all look a little bit different.

ThomasL is trying if it works in a bog outside the whole winter. For me it´s a little bit too risky, i don´t know if it works?

Ask ThomasL in a few month... :roll:

If you had a chance to put the plant in a greenhouse for wintertime - do that! I will put it in my father´s greenhouse. These plants are too important for me, i won´t put them in a bog!

Other question: Did you ever received some seeds from your Chipola?

Best regrads,


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Other question: Did you ever received some seeds from your Chipola?

Best regrads,


no, I do not let my plants flower unless I want to collect the seed. This particular plant also seems to be a shy flowerer, perhaps because I divide it too frequently...to make other growers happy!

...although I would quite like to cross it with this one....


Edited by gardenofeden
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I grow my chipola giant all the time outside.

So its a purpurea how is very hardy. Why doesn't can grow they outside over the winter.

The Collectin seeds by a self pollination is very rare there are often problems with the flower. The last was that they didn't make pollen.

If you cross chipola giant with other Sarracenia you will alltime get much of seeds.

Gardofeen its a very great plant.

Do you have only one plant of chipola? :roll:

Bye ThomasL

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I grow my chipola giant all the time outside.

So its a purpurea how is very hardy. Why doesn't can grow they outside over the winter.

that is the question. I find burkii not as hardy as say ssp. purpurea, which you would expect from it's origins in the south of the USA. I have no problems with ssp. purpurea, but burkii really suffers.

Do you have only one plant of chipola? :roll:

Only one clone, but more than one plant :woot:

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