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Dodgy eBay seller?

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has anyone else noticed the eBay listings from an eBay seller called gardeningrussell? They have been annoying me for ages, as many of the plants are mis-named. Seems all the photos are nicked? from the interweb too, just do a search for the speceis on google and the photos used come up within a few pages.

If it annoys you too please feel free to message them. I have emailed a few photo copyright holders too to see what they say (including Triffid Park)

Here is an axample of one of their listings gardeningrussell

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You can tell from the description that he really know's nothing about CP's. I've not looked so I don't know if he only sells carnivorous plants, but it's basically rubish. Good call on the copyright issue, he really should be warned.


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I agree. The copyright thing needs to be address but if the people who own it don't enforce it then what can you do!?! If you click his "shop" link he sells a lot other plants and not just CPs, lets hope he knows more about them!!

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