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Campos rupestre?

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I found an interesting article about south american savannas. There is often mentioned "campos cerrados" in central Brasilia. Is it the same as "campos rupestre", which is often mentioned in connection with many CPs? Or is it something different? They didn`t mention campos rupestre at all, so I think, it could be just another name for it.

And I`d like to ask one more question, not much connected to my first one. I have read somewhere, that D. villosa complex includes 4 species. I know D. ascendens, graomogolensis and villosa, bud which is the fourth one? I found some D. sp. Bahia on this page (http://www.ladin.usp.br/carnivoras/Portugues/Genera/Drosera/sul-americanas/villosa.html), is this plant valid? Has it been described under another name?

Thank you for responses...


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