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This does not look like D. admirabilis

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Looks like capillaris to me. Althoguh could it be a young D. admirabilis? Never grown it myself. Good looking plant.

Edited by andyoliver
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It doesn't look like admirabilis. The rosette isn't tight enough. D. capillaris looks more plausible. I need to take a better picture.

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It doesn't look like admirabilis. The rosette isn't tight enough. D. capillaris looks more plausible. I need to take a better picture.

If you ask me, you need another supplier of seeds and plants too!

This is not the first time you recieve something, that is not what it´s supposed to be right?

Is it really that much harder to find a good source for seeds and plants in the US as opposed to the EU?

I personally cannot help you out with Admirabilis..but am willing to pull a few string's if you like..no guarantees, but i can try...

Good luck with the plant tough..it looks like capillaris to me too..but i have many of those growing all around my Sarracenia pots, with Intermedia and Rotundifolia, Binata, Capensis..and so on..


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I've never bought from a supplier. Everything I have has come from the fellow hobbyists, with just a few coming from the infamous "Lowes Cubes of Death". We all make mistakes with ID's, including me. Just trying to get correct ID's where I recognize something is amiss.

New picture:


This was my plant from last year:


Edited by jimscott
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Hey Jim,

Please do not misunderstand me here..perhaps a bad choice of word´s from my behalf..

With ´supplier´ i meant the most general way for the word!, whether it be fellow hobbyist´s or otherwise..not just the commercial shops...

A fellow hobbyist, (wherever on the globe) is still a supplier to me if seeds or plants change owner...and i think you recieve the wrong stuff a little to often...

Of course mistakes happen..we´re only human after all!

Anyway, i found a source or two for the genuine seeds.. although the picture from last year show a very different plant!..it kinda looks like admirabilis, but i´m not 100% convinced.

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Last year's D. admirabilis looks like the real thing. This year's version appears to be a form of D. natalensis. It certainly isn't D. capillaris.

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Natalensis crossed my mind as well..also from the first picture you posted..

I guess the flower will give it away in time..but how to label it until then?..beats me..

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Natalensis crossed my mind as well..also from the first picture you posted..

I guess the flower will give it away in time..but how to label it until then?..beats me..

How about D.? until it flowers. :thumright:

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You should not label it until you know what it is....very simple! You plants are way to young to tell and even at maturity some times it's hard to say without flowers. Capillaris...just guessing like all others.

Edited by mark.ca
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