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Nepenthes Ugliest Plants in the World ?!


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By 'ugliest plants', they seem to mean 'plants that look least like a rose'.

Shouldn't they be celebrating the weird and wonderful diversity of plant life instead of giving it a negative label (unless that's what they're trying to do, in a roundabout way)?

Rant over.

Edited by SamInLondon
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Whilst at the RHS tatton show last year, a man and his wife walked past the Hampshire Carnivorous site and the bloke went oh look at those (meaning the Nepenthes) and the wife went 'I hate those things' and dragged him away with a sour look on his face. Clearly he liked them and she detested them. It all depends on what you find interesting, I find roses nice, but not very interesting.

Also I suspect there is a deep psychological aspect to either liking or disliking Nepenthes, many people, and I never looked at it that way until someone pointed it out, that a lot of sexual symbolism can be found in Nepenthes pitchers, and I have to say the people who have pointed this out have all been women and more than one of them. Make of that what you will... At the end of the day, a lot of the plants they are saying are ugly a more interesting than beautiful and there's nothing wrong with that, so who cares?

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Whilst at the RHS tatton show last year, a man and his wife walked past the Hampshire Carnivorous site and the bloke went oh look at those (meaning the Nepenthes) and the wife went 'I hate those things' and dragged him away with a sour look on his face. Clearly he liked them and she detested them. It all depends on what you find interesting, I find roses nice, but not very interesting.

Also I suspect there is a deep psychological aspect to either liking or disliking Nepenthes, many people, and I never looked at it that way until someone pointed it out, that a lot of sexual symbolism can be found in Nepenthes pitchers, and I have to say the people who have pointed this out have all been women and more than one of them. Make of that what you will... At the end of the day, a lot of the plants they are saying are ugly a more interesting than beautiful and there's nothing wrong with that, so who cares?

Yeah, that pretty well covers what I wa going to say.

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Guest Andreas Eils


I have to clearly disagree to all those currently top ten listed most ugliest plants! :devil: I wonder if there´s a single plant at all which could be seriously considered ugly! Well, a plant can get an ugly sight due to mistreatment...but being 'ugly by nature'? :whistling:



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Although I obviously fall into the 'neps aren't ugly' camp, I have to admit that some of the hybrids out there are simply shocking. Take N. lowii x truncata, for instance - what a horror :whistling: But at least we can't blame Mother Nature for that one.

Edited by SamInLondon
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Agreed with women pointing out the phallic innuendo. True, an unopened pitcher viewed from behind can look rather anatomically masculine, but the mouth and peristome tell a different story in some species!

Edited by Amori
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Well, thats been an education

Call me naive, but it had honestly not crossed my mind in 5 years of growing that anyone might get offended or aroused by anything to do with a pitcher, opened or unopened. :devil:

I have always been fasinated by the diversity of form, function and ecology, but that's just me obviously.

Although come to think of it I do remember a few ribald references to the hairy hamata - it always looked like a toothed animal to me, but I concede the scrotal resemblence might be there if you were willing to ignore the teeth :whistling:

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Although I obviously fall into the 'neps aren't ugly' camp, I have to admit that some of the hybrids out there are simply shocking. Take N. lowii x truncata, for instance - what a horror :whistling: But at least we can't blame Mother Nature for that one.

I have to agree that many hybrids are either not great or just simply deformed, occasionally a real stunner occurs though. Not a hybrid fan myself but equally some hybrids are amongst my favourites.

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I have to agree that many hybrids are either not great or just simply deformed, occasionally a real stunner occurs though. Not a hybrid fan myself but equally some hybrids are amongst my favourites.

Ah the hybrid vs species debate - that should keep this thread running a while :rolleyes:

Like manders says, 90% or more are also rans that in no way improve on the species, and I used to have a more extreme opinion than that, but I am coming round to enjoying a bit of hybridising myself and there are clearly some stunners. Funnily enough lowii x truncata is one I would fit into that category, but everyones entitled to their opinion.

Have a look at the ep site http://www.exoticaplants.com.au/ for some of the best

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Sometimes, the uglier, more unusually shaped, the plants are, the more attractive they become. Yes, I think some of the plants in the list are ugly, but I'm definately more attracted to them for it! What does that say about me?

Incidentally, I was showing off my latest pitcher from my 'Black Beauty' to Mrs Loakesy the other day (still hasn't quite opened yet) and she whispered, out of ear-shot of the children, "It's quite phallic, isn't it!"

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Sometimes, the uglier, more unusually shaped, the plants are, the more attractive they become. Yes, I think some of the plants in the list are ugly, but I'm definately more attracted to them for it! What does that say about me?

Incidentally, I was showing off my latest pitcher from my 'Black Beauty' to Mrs Loakesy the other day (still hasn't quite opened yet) and she whispered, out of ear-shot of the children, "It's quite phallic, isn't it!"

does it's size matter to her? I mean, as compared to.., em.. forget it.


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Although I obviously fall into the 'neps aren't ugly' camp, I have to admit that some of the hybrids out there are simply shocking. Take N. lowii x truncata, for instance - what a horror :smile: But at least we can't blame Mother Nature for that one.

I'm sure Geoff Mansell will appreciate that. :P

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