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powdery mildew

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I have a Cephalotus suffering from a chronic powdery mildew infection that seems resistant to my fungicide of choice, tebuconazole.

I have heard anecdotal reports on the efficacy and safety of baking soda spray for the prevention and/or eradication of powdery mildew on common houseplants, but I've never tried it on Cephalotus or other CPs.

Does anyone have experience with this on CPs?

I found a nice site that summarizes some studies on the subject: http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/bakingsoda.html



PS: Other recommendations on safe/effective fungicides for powdery mildew on CPs would also be appreciated.

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Thanks for the replies.

I agree with the both of you that sodium bicarbonate is probably not a good thing to spray on a CP. That's what my intuition suggested, but I posed the question anyway as my intuition isn't always correct!

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