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Pest ID?

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Hi there,

Can anyone ID the fugly little bug shown below? I've been finding hordes of the critters on my CPs this season, and coincidentally or not I've been having trouble with deformed, slow-growing and stunted plants. I'm not sure if the bugs are causing the problem, or are just feeding on the tissue of plants that are dying for some other reason. They're generally less than 1mm long, though the ones shown are about 1mm.

Could they be young thrips?




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Guest Andreas Eils

I second Jim. And according to this picture you can be even more sure: http://ag.arizona.edu/yavapai/diagnostics/...ects/thrips.JPG

Is there coincidentally an insecticide in Taiwan available containing the agent Dimethoat? It has effectively spoilt the thripes appetite - at least for the German thripes! :DImidacloprid shall help as well, but you most likely need to use it twice within a week for good control!

Hey, there´s a German Nepenthes grower on Taiwan! Do you perhaps already know him? He uses the name twoton on this board. His real name is Hans. If you don´t find something to kill your thripes ask him to order "Bi 58" or "Danadim" from Germany from his parents...lol :oops:

I hope you´ll solve your problem!



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It does look like they're thrips after all, though much smaller than the ones I'm used to here (the thrips currently attacking my orchids are around 5mm long). In general I think we get all the common pests in Taiwan that growers in Europe and the Americas suffer from, just different species.

I'm pretty restricted when it comes to local pesticides, since most are labelled in Chinese and my grasp of Chinese is unforgivably small. In general the range seems pretty limited, and not very CP-friendly. I've been using neem oil, but these particular pests don't seem to mind it. Not short-term anyway. Perhaps it inhibits development in the long-term, but it's not very satisfying when you actually just want to see the things drop dead right in front of you. Instead I see them frolicking gaily over the newly-drenched plants. It's very frustrating.

Thanks for the help!

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