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Growing Roridula in Turkey

Guest raskolnikov77

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Guest raskolnikov77

Hi..i live in Turkey and had a roridula georginas..However, in Turkey there are only a few people who knows about Roridula.. So i need your help..

I put my roridula pot in front of the window and it is sunny from morning till noon in summer.. i leave it outer side in days, and take inside at nights..and i water it very few once in 2 days or one day.. i dont allow water in the bottom..

Whats your opinions about its conditions at my home? And whats your scale rule about watering? I am waiting for your help..


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Welcome to the forum :shock:

I havent done very well growing roridula so cant really help but hopefully some of the other members can give you some more information. In the meanwhile it might be worth doing a search to find some old threads on how to grow it.


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what are your day and night temperatures? If it stays above 5c or so I would leave them outside. R.gorgonias can take it a bit wetter, especially with good ventilation, I stand mine in just a little water all the time.

Any Mediterranean growers out there with comparable advice?

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Guest raskolnikov77

Thank you, i hope i will learn lots of things by your helpings :) In Turkey there are very few CP grower and only 2-3 roridula grower, so we need your experiences..

I live in Ankara and now it is beginning of the summer.. average temperatures 30 celsius at day time and 10-15 celsius at night (summers) .. in winter terrestrail climate, cold air with frosts, mostly minus values..

And also what are your watering tips? How can i determine if water is enough or not?

I am waiting for your advices.. Thank you..

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well I am by no means an expert, but manage to keep mine alive. They do not like to dry out completely, so I always keep about 5mm water in the tray at all times. In the wild, R.gorgonias can grow with Drosera spp. One of the main things is good ventilation, poor ventilation can be fatal with fungal attacks; in South Africa it is almost always windy down in Cape Province!!

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I'm in Los Angeles and kept one alive - until it flowered. It didn't like to dry out so I kept it in a tray with my VFTs. It only got a few hours of direct sun each day, but it grew well. It's pretty dry here so I guess the water didn't bother it.

When it flowered, I moved it inside in a stupid attempt to monitor the moisture better. I read that they hate to stay wet, but it would droop if it dried out, even a little. It hated the move and died right away. I got a few seed out of the deal but they haven't germinated for me. It was a huge plant - gorgeous - I still miss it.

Next time I get one I won't move it and I won't be afraid to water it. Sometimes you just have to trust your instincts!

Hope this helps -


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