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CITES charges going up

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I see that from April 6th the charge for CITES import documents into the UK goes from £5 per species to £59! And thats just the start where over a period of time Defra will be increasing the costs still further. Good news for the tax payer who currently subsidises the costs, but bad news for plant importers!



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Surely this will only increase the amount of illegal plants bought in if the above info is correct ? Why have they increased the cost ?

"It is Government policy to recover the full costs of many of the services it provides to relieve the taxpayer of the burden. Over the next three years the Government will phase in new charges aimed at recovering the full cost of providing the licensing service.

As a first step, on 6 April 2009 the following schedule of charges will be introduced for applications for CITES licences." This will move it from £5 to £59.

The eventual costs will be nearer to £100 per species imported!


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Indeed, it's aberrant. I hope such a policy won't occur everywhere into the EU (should I say that I'm not optimistic ?).

Surely it must already be the case in some EU countries, unless all EU governments subsidise it?

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Surely it must already be the case in some EU countries, unless all EU governments subsidise it?

3 years ago, I've been importing Nepenthes from Malesia. That meant about 20 CITES certificates, plus the phyto. This was... free. To my knowledge, that would still be the case in France, although, for how many years ? Won't all the european government fully agree with this idea, during the economic crash we're enduring ?

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If the paper work is free in France and possibly other EU countries, then it is going to be far cheaper to rely on the French CP growers to do the initial imports and just buy of them.

Bux - could be a lot more buisness comming your way if you start importing from EP as well.

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