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To my horror I went to my local nursery to grab a bale of peat the Irish Peat Moss for about £4 only to be told the EU has now banned this and I could not get a one!

I know I can get Moorland Gold but that is very expensive! So this is now going to turn in to a very expensive hobbie if I cannot find another source!

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As more and more large garden centres withdraw from stocking peat, I would imagine that many of the peat extraction companies will withdraw from extracting it. It can't be very financially viable for some of the large peat extraction companies to be supplying solely small garden centres. That said, some of the larger DIY stores still sell peat products, for example, one of the large UK DIY stores sells 'Garden Soil Improver' which actually consists of peat with 20% or more other stuff added.

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In the uk peat as to be reduce by over 80% by next year so you are going to find it very hard to find 100% pure peat . As someone said the less is use it won't be worth digging it and bagging etc . And for morland gold the more demand the more they will change in the future . If I were you I would get a very good stock while it's still east to get hold of it . Also with the above you will find that pure peat will get more expensive now as time goes on .

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What are the alternatives ? I wouldn't consider moorland gold as an alternative at present due to cost. I have cut my peat bill in half this year by re-using most of my peat. Throw the manky top layer & keep the soil underneath.

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I have cut my peat bill in half this year by re-using most of my peat. Throw the manky top layer & keep the soil underneath.

I always reuse mine - all of it.

I just tip all the old compost into my new batch & mix it up.

There is no need to throw away any of it.

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There is no need to throw away any of it.

It does go to use in the flower beds but I would rather not use it again in my potting mix. The top "crust", about 1cm thick, in my conditions tend to be full of life. Algae, flowers, moss, insects etc. If I where to re-use this as a potting media I feel I could be creating problems as it breaks down meaning I would have to re-pot more often, yearly, and not give the best conditions for the roots of the plants.

I reckon I have re-used more than half of my peat this year thinking about it more like 3/4's of it.

Edited by -=Joel=-
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Although over the years i've always a peat/perlite mix for nepenthes, over the last year i've found coco peat works just as well, as does lawn moss or just about anything else that's free draining, no need to use peat at all for nepenthes really.

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For my conditions, peat seems to get too acidic, and stays too wet for too long, and also seems to be a magnet for pill bugs and sow bugs, along with millipedes and other things. I've started using pure NJ Pine Barrens sand, and it seems to be working rather well, although not yet commercially available, but something to keep in mind. ;) - Rich

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