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Heliamphora divisions


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Last night I was removing dead pitchers form my Heliamphora nutans when three small divisions came away from the mother plant, with some intact roots. I potted them up in pure live sphagnum moss, with a clear plastic bag over the pots and placed two of them in the tank unde lights, and the other on the warm kitchen windowsill. I water using the tray method and will wait and see what happens. Is this the right thing to do and is there anything that I can do to better my chances of success? The mother plant is huge, with about five crowns.


Alex :D

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Thanks Dieter.

Paul, I was told that before it gets too hot is a good time to divide/repot. I s'pose it depends on how you keep them. When the summer gets into full swing, mine will be in the greenhouse, and this is when most of the new growth happens. Be very carefull when it comes to division, they are very fragile and it might take a long time to recover, so my advice would be not to divide, but to repot into the bigest pot you are able. What medium are you growing it in?


Alex : )

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I divided a H. nutans that only had juvenile pitchers a few years ago with no problems. The plant cost £25 and I split the cost and the plant with a friend.

It would probably be best to wait until the weather is a bit warmer than it is now, once divided just keep the plants warm and humid. It may take several weeks before you see new growth.

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Hi, all

I also have a H. nutans in need of splitting (its not the first time its been split).

I find that H. nutans are very vigorous at clump forming, and reqiure splitting every 2-3 years, giving a good supply of new and spare plants to trade with.



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Hi all:

I find that if you divide any Heliamphora in either Early Spring or early autumm is better than if you do divide it when it's too hot!. Water tray does not work for me. The roots tend to rot. Either pure sphagnum or a mixture of 50% sphagnum peat moss and the rest equal parts of LFS, vermiculite, and perlite works for me.


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The size of your pot depends on the size of your plants. My H. nutans died about four years ago. It was growing in pure sphagnum moss, and I let it dry out too much. I now have a H.minor x heterodoxa in a 6 inch half depth pot, which I took cuttings from last autumn. The cuttings are in normal sized 3 inch pots at the moment and have started producing new pitchers in the last few weeks. I would say, just repot into a pot the plant looks comfortable in.

I repotted my plant into a mix suggested by Adrain Slack in his book. Fill a plant pot half full with perlite, and fill the top half with long fibred sphagnum moss. My Heliamphora and the cuttings are all in this mix and doing very well at the moment.

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I would wait until this cold spell is over before trying to take divisions. If you take your plant from the pot and clean the growing medium away, you can see the growing points along the rhizome. They are just like Sarras, you just need to cut these away from the main plant, making sure each division has a few roots, and pot them up the same way as the mother plant. Dividing should not be done while the plant is attempting to flower, or your plant will be severely weakened.

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I would split the mother plant, but I have some flowers coming up and if what is said is above is true, thaen I won't bother until after the flowers have died back. It will be repotted though.


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