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information about N. x boissiense


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Hi there!

Does anyone got any information about Nepenthes x boissiense?

There's not a lott of information on the internet about this cross this is the cross info i found

[(mixta var. superba x (northiana x maxima)] x gracilis


[(mixta var. superba x (northiana x maxima)] x distillatoria

Is one of these crosses correct?



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Wow, that name brings back some memories! The hybrid was originally created by Marcel LeCoufle (in Boissey France) as "N. Superba x N. gracilis"; but as we began to learn more about these plants, "N. Superba" (the male plant) turned out to be N. x mixta cv. superba and the "N. gracilis" (the female plant) he used was not N. gracilis, but something else, (not sure what it was, as it did not have the decumbant petiole connection to the stem as N. gracilis does, was twice the size, and was also called "N. gracillima" for a while, until that too turned out to be inaccurate.) But, that's as far as I got with it. - Rich

Edited by rsivertsen
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Wow, that name brings back some memories! The hybrid was originally created by Marcel LeCoufle (in Boissey France) as "N. Superba x N. gracilis"; but as we began to learn more about these plants, "N. Superba" (the male plant) turned out to be N. x mixta cv. superba and the "N. gracilis" (the female plant) he used was not N. gracilis, but something else, (not sure what it was, as it did not have the decumbant petiole connection to the stem as N. gracilis does, was twice the size, and was also called "N. gracillima" for a while, until that too turned out to be inaccurate.) But, that's as far as I got with it. - Rich

Oke! thanks for the information Rich!


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