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pygmy drosera lasiantha abloom

dudo klasovity

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Hi everybody!

Have a question. Not a veteran when it comes to growing pygmies so excuse me if it sounds kinda stupid to those who have many year's experience with these midgets.

My drosera lasiantha started blooming for the forst time in my terrarium and i would like to ask whether this species is self-pollinated or do i need another pygmy to do so? I know that propadation is much faster and easier via gemmae but god knows when she will produce some (if ever).

And if i get to see some seeds what is the best substrate for sowing and germinability of this drosera? Anyone experience with this particular beauty?

Thanx! :-)

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Hi Dudo,

D. lasiantha requires a second clone for pollination. You can cross this species with others but I usually only obtained very few seeds like 10 in a cross with a D. scorpioides, which is my best result so far.

When it comes to germinating the seeds, it is even more difficult to answer. I can only offer a couple of attempts with less then 10 seeds each. I sowed them in spring together with other pygmy and temperate drosera seeds. D. pulchella, D. ericksoniae and D. mannii germinate under these conditions. No success yet for D. lasiantha and some others, however.



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Hello Dieter!!! :banging:

Thanks so much for useful answer! It is such a good feeling to learn something new:-) even though the fact i have nothing to cross lasiantha with is kind of frustrating.

At the time it is my only pygmy in bloom so I guess I will have to wait for the gemmae. Maybe next time she will produce flowers together with scorpioides:-)

Good luck growing carnies!!! :Laie_94:

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Hi Dudo,

as I wrote above, I found it quite difficult to produce D. lasiantha seeds. The picture is a bit different when it comes to the other species I crossed it with. I currently have seeds of D. cloterostigma, D. echinoblastus, D. ericksoniae (well, those are most likely selfed), D. helodes, D. mannii and D. pulchella potentially crossed with D. lasiantha. I only need to find a way to germinate those...



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