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S. debile growing tips

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Hi Jim. I grow mine in 2/3 peat, 1/3 sand in full sun. I keep the soil wet to damp and never saturated... The plants are like obnoxious weeds and fill the pots via runners under the soil. I would suspect they would do very well from cuttings, like a Nepenthes.

Happy Growing,


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My guess would be; subtropical, keeping in mind that they accompany many of the Australian CP species in their natural habitats. So, they can probably take it quite chilly as well as fairly hot.

Happy Growing,


Do you have any pictures of them in cultivation?

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Did you see these pics I posted on the other forum a while ago?


I did not notice this before I has taking these shots, the glads are even on the underside of the flower petals.


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Those look wonderful! I can't wait until mine flower. Right now, they're filling the pot with off-shoots. Amazing how they proliferate and fill the pot with perfect little round leaf rosettes. Hopefully, that shall lead to a pot of lovely flowers. I take it that this species is also a prime candidate for stem cuttings...

Happy Growing,


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Thanks for the comments on the pics.


I did not add any growing tips, so here's what I can give you, south windowsill, regular CP mix, treat as a CP. That's it, plan and simple.

This plant is growing like a complete weed. It is close to filling the pot I planted it in a short amount of time. I will most likely divide the plant before the end of the year, and received it on 2/19/08. It did not even fill 1/4 of the 4" pot I placed it in. Now there is less the 1/4 of open space in the pot.

Flower stalks are everywhere. I've been trying to see if I can pollinate the flowers to get seed. They just keep coming.

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LOL! your post reads as if they are out of control and a bit of urgency. Has your wife commented on this one? Are the cats very afraid?

Seriously, does this plant expect a dormancy period?

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Yeah.. I'm gonna need the English version of that post! My only Spanish comes from Bugs Bunny cartoons - Senor Duck... Senor Mouse... por favor, rodeo, andele and ariba.

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Sorry but is all I have you'll have to use a traslator.

Ahh is arriba and don't forget gracias

Yes... gracias.. I know that one, too. I took French and when I see Spanish I have to look for common root words (if I can remember them) and basically go from Spanish to French to English. I do have a habbyist / friend from Mexico to translate the text.

Back to Stylidium.. are yours inside, under artificial lighting or are they outside?

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