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Darlingtonia division.


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I've got a Darlingtonia californica, which was passed on to me by a friend. It was in a sorry state at the time, but has recovered well, and has survived the winter on a windowsill in the house. When is the best time to repot, and divide the plant, and how should it be done? There seems to be a "baby" plant emerging on one side of the pot.

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You can do it now, the baby plant is on a stolon and can be removed quite simply. Just pot it up separately like an adult plant... It is likely it will have run around the pot upto a couple of times before it surfaced so there should be sufficient roots..

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I have a similar situation Mike,

Should be leave as much of the stolon under the substrate (pure sphag) by wrapping it around the same way it was? Just that this stolon must be a about a foot long...

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I had a long stolon last year that had roots all along it, I just chopped off the new plant with a little bit of stolon and roots, and replanted the remaining length of stolon in a fresh pot. A few weeks later the stolon produced another little plant. :)

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Hi, all

I have just re-potted my Darlingtonia today.

As I removed the compost 4 plants came away (still attached with stolons) from the 'mother plant'. 2 of the new plants have stolon grow themselves.

So I have potted all 5 of them up in nice large pots so any stolon growth has enough room to develope.



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I've just had a look at the stolon on my Darlingtonia, & it's less than an inch long. Should I leave it to grow longer before I detach it from the mother plant?

Is it necessary to use pure Sphagnum as the substrate as Colin seems to be suggesting above?

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Hi, David

If your plants stolon has good pitcher formation along with root growth, then I would say yes its safe to remove and pot it up.

The Darlingtonia that I repotted earlier today went into a mix of 50:50 peat and perlite (with a little bit of sand too).

Then top dress the surface with about 1inch of Sphagnum moss.



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Darlingtonia may be grown in a variety of media. I have plants growing in pure peat, peat/perlite and peat/grit. This year I plan to experiment with some mixes including granite chips

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