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Squash keep falling off :(


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I've got a big squash plant that I've grown from seed. I don't know what kind it is, but the squash are bright yellow in color.

The squash grow to be about 3 inches long and look very healthy(bright color, fat, etc). However, at about this point they shrivel up and fall off. This has happened once so far, and I can already see it happening to two more.

The plant seems to be wanting to produce a ton of fruit, so I don't want it to all go to waste. :shock:

Can anyone help me out here?

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Where and in what are you growing it? Do the squash shrivel up black or yellow? Are the squash spliting before they shrivel?

Lots of questions :shock:


The soil here is very poor, so I'm growing it in a large plastic pot and miracle-grow potting soil. It gets full sun for most of the day. The squash shrivel up yellow, and I have not noticed any splitting.

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I was thinking that it might be insufficient water... I've only grown them in my garden. More and more people seem to be growing them in pots but I think it might be a water problem. Ah how big is the plant? Perhaps a photo would help.


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Ah, had not read the bit about the plant being in a pot! I've always struggled getting these plants enough water in anything but an organic-rich open bed.

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I find I often have problems with fruit set early in the season, with the same problem happening to me. Plants seem to do better for me when summer is really flying along properly. Perhaps the nights are a bit cool?

Then again, I wouldn't have thought it as much of an issue where you are....

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Alright, update. Two squash are growing on fine, while the others fell off. Something tells me that as the year progresses the problem will cease. The plant gets plenty of water and sun, and the squash wouldn't grow as big as they did without pollination. So I guess it must still be early or something for the plant.

I'll update you all every once in a while. Oh, and I'll try giving it a bit of fertilizer as well. :)

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