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D. pulchella flower forms

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Hi all,

yesterday was again one of those days when many of my drosera flowered.

Now many D. pulchella joined the show and I spent many hours on taking pictures and resizing them. If I remember correctly, there were at least 6 orange flowered forms from various sources with differents names, 3 pink forms and 2 white forms. Actually, I only have 3 more forms which were not in flower yesterday. Not all the pictures were good enough to show them here, but here is the "best of" collection:

Pink flowered forms :

Pink/white :

droserapulchellapinkwhiwf1.jpg (this picture shows the real colour quite well)


Red purple Big Brook: at least in spring the inflorescences are very short, about 1-1.5 cm


droserapulchellaredpurpmc5.jpg note the short inflorescence



droserapulchellapinkmaryn4.jpg (sorry for the incorrect label)

Orange flowered forms: The colour of my forms is very similar. The major differences are size (but that is also variable within a population), the shape of petals and other flower organs and the intensity of the coloration of the centre.

Salmon Flower: very similar with Scott River form, petals usually overlap widely, maroon center


Scott River: petals show less overlap compared to “Salmon Flower”, otherwise very similar


Orange 2: usually the flowers are not very symmetrical


White flowered forms:

Light pink: I was surprised to find this form to be clear white yesterday. Thanks, Martin this truly is a beautiful form!

The flowers were larger and whiter compared to “white flower, red centre”



White Flower red centre: This form still has a hint of pink on the petals which I did not manage to capture on the pictures





I hope you like them!



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Wonderful plants. Some of my unusual coloured D pulchella are about to come into flower- I hope they are like yours. I'm surprised that these forms are not more widely distributed- D pulchella is an easy plant to grow and one of the mosty beautiful.


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Nice, one thing I want to do is a pygmy bog in a large ceramic sorta of flat looking pot in a wall shelf with a flat flourscent grow light that you can't relly see if you can pitcure it.....

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Thank you for your nice comments!

I would like to add that I used the names the gemmae came with. In some cases not shown here I noticed an incorrect label as the resulting plants had an unexpected flower colour or - in case of a "clear white red centre" - came as a mix with an orange flowered form. Unfortunately, in that case I lost all the truly white flowered plants after I removed the orange ones :cry:

And once again thanks to those who supplied the gemmae to me (you know who you are)!



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I would like to add that I used the names the gemmae came with. In some cases not shown here I noticed an incorrect label as the resulting plants had an unexpected flower colour or - in case of a "clear white red centre" - came as a mix with an orange flowered form. Unfortunately, in that case I lost all the truly white flowered plants after I removed the orange ones :cry:

Nice little selection there! I was wondering about the names of a couple of those pictured until your explanation.

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Hi Dieter - very nice!

Really confusing with the many names for the "different" plants esp. with pulchella - I often wonder how many different - stable - forms exist and to what number they could be reduced.

Anyway, pulchella forms are a small world of its own. And beautiful plants!



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Hi Sean,

I gathered whatever D. pulchella forms I could get hold of about 2 years ago and many had vary different names but turned out to be very similar to others. There certainly are differences between e.g. those "orange" forms, but the flower colour itself is very similar under my conditions.

It may now be the case that many plants in circulation have incorrect names or different names for the same plant. That might happen if one or more wrong gemmae get mixed into a portion or that someone decides to give a plant a new name.

As I do not want to add more confusion I decided to stick to the names they came with and to give others the chance to select the ones they would like to get by looking at the pictures.

If there is way to correct the labels on my plants, I would happily do so, but at the moment I would not know where I could get a reference to sort this mess out.



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