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I have come yet again with another website: It seems to be run by Christian Klein, a cp supplier. I will buy nepenthes from here when the weather cools down, unless something changes my mind... Has anyone bought from this website? If so, please tell me your experiences!
Wondering if anyone knows of (or would be interested in helping me build, e.g., in a Google Doc) a list of the SEXES of named cultivars of Nepenthes? I got the idea because I'm interested to know the sex of Nepenthes 'Gaya': does anyone know this? (I'm surprised at how hard[/impossible] it is to find this info online!) Thanks in advance for any info on Gaya/interest in "the list"! Aloha, Philip T.
Hello averyone. After several years i’d like to share my experience with Nepenthes indoor. If your winter is cold like mine is (i live in north Italy and here isn’t rare to reach -10 celsius or less) i’ll hope my little tutorial could be helpfull :) Every october i need to move my plants indoor, years ago it was easy with few plants but it was more difficult every year and right now i have lots of plants and i decided to buy a little greenhouse and turn it into a GIANT growbox. soooo first... you need space! i bought a 2,5 x 2,5 m esagonal greenhouse that costs like 80€ 1. i placed few wooden pallets in the floor to isolate the greenhouse and some rigid plastic sheets (just because i need to walk into the growbox). 2. Then i set the “growbox” on 3. LIGHTS! In my experience i saw that if you grow Nepenthes you don’t need powerfull lights. My best results are with 4200K (it contains every colors Nepenthes plants need) outdoor spotlights, i’ve placed 20W spotlights every 40 cm and 50/100W spotlights for bigger plants (some of my plants are really old and bigger then 2 meters!) to give your plants the best habitat to grow: ok! I’ve used a really easy set up, just one 3 bar pump with a fogger system bought on amazon ;) it works for 30 seconds every 3 hours. 5. fix every shelves is very important 6. time to move my plants from greenhouse to growbox 7. after 2 weeks they start to bloom and 1 month later they seems to really like the “winter cave”! Let me know how do you think about my work and feel free to share your experience! :) i hope someone will find it helpfull:) good growing to everyone! p.s: my temps are 26 celsius during day and 16-18 in the night as a normal tempsjump in my basement. p.p.s: beacause i prefer to walk into my house with my feet and not with a boat i’ve add a little air extractor just to throw some humidity outside, i’ll post some pics asap. sorry for my English :) I hope it is understandable.
Hi, I recently ordered a bunch of nepenthes to get into the hobby. These are my first highland species (I have 4 hybrids and they're doing well). My delivery took a week and it was quite hot during that time. Most arrived in a very good state all bagged with a bit of sphagnum and paper towel but one bag already looked a bit poorly when they arrived and those 4 are now crashing hard. Within 12 h of potting them into 1:1 rinsed long fibre sphagnum : perlite and some bits of live sphagnum on top to hopefully have a nice cover at some point. I put them into a propagator to keep the humidity high, they turned darker (if they weren't already) and the leaves are quite soft. I now have two options (or more) 1. Leave them in the propagator with high humidity and fairly constant conditions but little air circulation. 2. Put them into my makeshift grow space that has a few fans and a humidifier that turns on every couple of minutes if the humidity drops under 65%. This has more air circulation but the conditions aren't as consistent as in the propagator and the humidity might be lower. I live in a loft so general temperatures are on the high side (27C-30C during the day and 18-21C during the night). They are under LED strips (20W Bridgelux eb slim gen 3 6.5K). My guess is that they had not enough water during the transport (the paper towel in this bag was quite dry compared to the others) and are now suffering. I am pretty worried they are not going to make it. I ordered a bunch and the others are doing ok (so far... ) but it would be nice not to lose them! Any tips would be much appreciated! Should I keep them on the dry side or on the damp side? High humidity or low humidity? Is there hope? Thank you!
Hey guys, Can anyone please help me identify this Nepenthes? It is a good grower and makes nice tall vines. The most distinguishable trait I guess would be the pitchers. Both the lower and the upper pitchers have a completely green bottom half and a speckled top half. Also both lowers and uppers have a very small and completely green peristomes. Thanks!
Hey everyone, first post :) just wanting to make sure that my plant isnt suffering from any root // stem rot as I'm still a new grower. the reason for my concern is the newest leaf on my N.macrophylla is starting to show some signs of wilt. I've had the plant about a year and half and growth has been steady and consistent with no problems until now. lighting: it gets about 8 to 10 hours of light a day from my little 6500k glowlight (a little blue and red light mixed in as well) watering: I dont really water, I have a humidifier piped into the tank that I turn on at night when I place my ice packs in to cool the tank. Keeps the soil moist, and I feel like watering further would be too much. temperature: about 70 - 80 Fahrenheit during the day, and I try to hit high 50's at nightly. I've recently done a repot. So maybe stress? Attached are some pictures I took of the root system // stem when I repotted. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I dont have a picture of the current wilt on the leaf, but it is happening near the edge of the leaf, I'll try and post a picture tonight - I'm just away from my plant at the moment.
Early on Boxing Day, we experienced the 2004 Tsunami at Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka. The day before, we had finished a very successful shooting for our film on Borneo Exotics, Robert Cantley’s famous special nursery for tropical pitcher plants. Only in the evening, we had returned from the highlands. After breakfast, it turned out to be a big stroke of luck that our hotel, recommended by Rob, was situated on a rock, several meters above sea level. Only for that reason nobody became injured there. Filmed from the balcony of our hotel room, our documentary shows with original comments how we experienced that force of nature. Yesterday, 2019-12-26, exactly 15 years passed by; therefore, Irmgard and I decided to show our shots also on our YouTube-channel. For those, interested in our videos on Borneo Exotics, we provided this playlist:
- 1
- mount lavinia hotel
- bornei exotics
(and 3 more)
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Hello I am new to the forum here are some of my lowland plants growing outside and some of my highland plants growing indoors. Most of my plants come from 4ze Plants and MT or I Saved them from the many road widening expansions like the pan Borneo highway which basically takes out most of the rafflesiana giant form and white forms habitat.Rafflesiana 4ze clone.Rafflesiana Nivea 4ze clone.Northiana 4ze plant,Sanguinea random roadside nursery in Sungai Buloh.Vietchii x EymaeVentricosa K but from MTHirsuta MTSumatrana 4ze left and MT clone Right. Ampullaria from MT personal collection.Burbidgeae x Edwardsiana MTHurreliana 4zeFlava BEOvata MTBurbidgeae 4zeTenuis edw.indstries plant.Nigra plantLeonardoi MTMirabilis (Rawang)Mirabilis x gracilis (Rawang)Ampullaria 4zeKhasiana 4zeBauensis 4zeGracilis variegated.Rafflesiana (Johor) 4zeRafflesiana (Sandakan) 4ze Rafflesiana 4zeAmpullaria Bau rescued plant from land being cleared.Jamban 4ze
Hi Do Nepenthes worry much about what potting mix is used if I use coir, peat and perlite? The coir I had before had some large chunks about 20mm wide but the one I have now does not have them. It is . Currently I have sphagnum based peat and medium grade perlite mixed up in equal proportions which I use for Sarracenia and plan to add other things to that mix for Nepenthes. The size of the perlite is about 4mm. I am wondering what proportion of my current coir I could mix with my current peat and perlite mix and if I should add some material with larger particles like large grade perlite that has particles of 10 mm. I heard about other things like pine bark as well but am not sure where to buy suitable stuff. Another possibility is if I could buy coir somewhere with just larger particles to mix in. However, perlite may be easier to get and am wondering what proportion of the larger size to add if I used it. Another alternative would be to use 50% peat and 50% large grade perlite that has a particle size of about 10mm and not use the mix I made with the medium grade and keep that for Sarracenia and perhaps not use the coir at all but use it for something else. Could that be better? Regards Richard.
I have a nepenthe Alana (I think) that’s been vigorously growing for about four years. It has well over 100 growing tips with some tendrils over 20 feet in length. This year, after flowering in March, new branches started growing from a node just beneath the flower spike. As I’m not looking for seed I’ve cut off the flowers soon after they appeared fortunately the branches continued to grow on at least 50% of the growing tips plus all the other branching that develop normally. The new pitcher development is abundant A problem I’ve had in the past, I’m hoping not this year, is that although the pitchers last a long time, if fact many from last year are still alive and packed with insects, they (the upper half of the pitchers ) turn brown within the first 2-3 months. This doesn’t seem problematic for the overall health of the plant but it isn’t very attractive. Does anyone know a way to prevent it or at least stop it from happening this year - photo attached _
Hello I am struggling with this northiana. It grows in typical Malaysian weather and get watered twice a day for a short while. It also gets 50% shade.Thank you
Good Night, One question, i have seen some amazing setups for terrarium which works with a waterchiller. I want to a less tech terrarium system, my problem is that i have 3 terrarium 60x45x45 and i have only a water chiller haliea150a able to cool water to 6ºC (30L max). My question is that people use for cooling the water to the tank and the radiator but i wanted to know if i can get 14-16ºC at night cooling my isolated terrariums only with radiators (the water conected to them would come from an isolated box with 10-20L is enough at 6ºC). The reason is that if i want to cool directly the water and the radiator i would have to cool 100-140L of water and i dont think i could set that amount of water to that lower temperature 6-10ºC im attaching a schema image and a sample video My setup: other similar setups: This would be my setup! Thanks to all and a happy new year!
When I went to Malaysia me and a friend went to a ‘nepenthes garden’. If you are an enthusiast please visit it as it probably will close because it gets too few visitors. It is in Hulu Kinta near Ipoh and has many plants other than nepenthes as well. Anyway here are the pictures of the neps. :)
Hello so when I was In Ipoh I visited the Nepenthes park in Kledang Siaong which is about 2 hours from Kuala Lumpur also if you ever visit on the roadside there are tons of Nepenthes Gracilis and apparently on the road up Gunung Kledang some green and spotted Nepenthes Albomarginata also there are Drosera Burmanii which I am trying to find. In this park there were many Nepenthes approximately 72 different types of nepenthes all lowlanders as well as some highlanders, And to my amazement they had 3 Nepenthes clipeatas growing in the ground. The conditions at this place were. average day temperature is 32 Celsius and night is 24 Celsius, The plants had 50 % shade cloth, Were growing in soil from the local construction site which was very well draining and made up of sand,Clay bits of red compacted clay and some decaying leaves also the Salaginella growing with the plants helped keep the soil good and create pockets of air in the soil with its thick roots, the plants were also watered twice a day by a hose pipe. Nepenthes Clipeata Bonus Nepenthes Sumatrana according to the guy is the only place he knows in cultivation where it grows like the ones in the wild this is also the same for the Khasiana and Ampullaria as well as the Bical which all grew like the wild types. Khasiana Ampullaria Bicalcarata Thank you.
Hi all New to the forums however have been growing plants including nepenthes for a few years now and am keen to expand my collection and really learn just grow some massive pitchers! I live in an apartment that has large windows so will be picking your collective brain! Best Wishes alex
From the album: The Rolds plants
Nezara viridula drinking nectar. -
From the album: The Rolds plants
From the album: The Rolds plants
From the album: The Rolds plants
From the album: The Rolds plants
From the album: The Rolds plants