Hey guys, wondering if my nepenthes are doing alright. The leaves are getting some red coloration but i think thats just intense light, not dying plants. There's also some brown spots on some leaves.
The reason I asked is because i just recently moved them from outside to under 4 24w 6500k compact florescents. The reddening might also be from when they were outside.
^^^ N. ventricosa with the most reddening. The closest leaf is probably sunburn from when i first got him.
close up
N. alata x ventricosa. this guy has more browning but I believe it was due to not enough water when i was vacationing.
They're young and otherwise look healthy so im not terribly worried. The N. alata wont pitcher for me (shipped to me in the spring) but these are my first ones, im not expecting giant pitchers right away. Any comments on my set up or plants would be great