Hey Guys,
As i said in my bog garden thread i am not 'spoilt' for room in my garden, or indoors for that matter
But these are my INDOOR carnivorous-plants, to me they all seem to be doing ok.
I am assuming by luck of how good they grow, east facing is ideal (this is lucky as no other windowsill available!)
Let me know what you think of my little indoor collection.
Monkey Cups (New in from Poland) - Only had for couple of weeks (I have now added a plastic bag over one for increased humidity?)
Venus FlyTrap - New from Poland
Baby VFT, Butterwort and a Saraccenia i rescued from an inexperienced shop (It was left bone dry!!)
The other Saraccenia i rescued from the shop (it too was left bone dry).
and finally a corkscrew sundew
(only one not doing too well??