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  1. Hey all, I have some Petiolaris seedlings starting to sprout and I have some questions I can't seem to find answers to. My first questions are about transplantation. My seeds have been germinated in a germination dome, on a heating mat, at 100% humidity. Keep in mind my seedlings are extremely tiny, barely visible to the naked eye. Also keep in mind some of the partitions in the dome contain seeds that have not yet germinated (some species have germinated faster than others). At what point do I need to remove the seedlings from the dome and begin acclimation? Better yet, how long can the seedlings be left in the dome with no Ill effects? My concern is that I have several partitions with seeds that have yet to germinate and I'd also imagine that the seeds that have sprouted will soon have brothers and sisters growing alongside them in their respective partition. I have read that they can/should be removed and transplanted once they sprout, but how long can they stay without removing them from the dome? Will it hurt them to stay there for a while until the others have time to sprout? My last question is about algae. I have some green slime (for lack of better words) growing in 2 or 3 partitions. I don't think it's mold. Maybe algae, moss??! Anyway, my question is can it kill my seeds? I will forgo uploading pics because I'm sure anyone familiar with germination knows what I'm talking about when I say "green slime".
  2. From the album: Smooter's random CP photos

    One of my Drosophyllum seedlings still under LED lights. It caught some prey and really produced a lot of dew.
  3. A little question, as you can see from the image below my little Dionaea has his first open trap and is eagerly awaiting something to blunder in. Should I feed this first leaf or just wait it out. I don't want my little snapper to go hungry but I also don't want to kill it with kindness.
  4. Well I took the plunge and moved on to Dionaea from my little Drosera and have got them to germinate. I'm looking forward to getting them from this to seed and grow some from my own crop. Here is a little pic of how they are doing so far. First true leaf.
  5. Paul Schoeneberg


    From the album: nepenthes seedlings

  6. Paul Schoeneberg


    From the album: nepenthes seedlings

  7. Paul Schoeneberg


    From the album: nepenthes seedlings

  8. Paul Schoeneberg


    From the album: nepenthes seedlings

  9. Hi, Today is a festival in my terrarium. Why ? Because, after many acharnements, I have succeeded to do germinate some Codariocalyx motorius seeds, or telegraph-plant. All I can say it's that the germination rate is relatively low since, on ten seeds, four have germinated only. Here you have some pictures of the seedling, with some explanations. 13/05/2014 16/05/2014 24/05/2014 02/06/2014 For those who want to know how I've done : - The seeds have hardened 3 or 4 days in water, kept hot (25°C-30°C). - After that time, I observed that some seeds (fairly low, maybe 25%) swelled. But, at the contrary to what I knew, no sprout is appeared. However this swelling translated a water penetration inside the seed, so a begining of germination... I supposed that the integuments was too much tough, too much resistant to be perforated by the sprout. So I processed by a scarification with the swelled seeds (I cut volontary a part of the integuments, with precision not like a beef). In less than two days, four sprouts are appeared ! - I've transplanted the sprouts on a substrate composed with peat and sand (60%/40%). All of this has been placed inside my lowland terrarium, so approximatively 80% of hygrometry night and day, 30°C the day and 23°C-25°C the night. - I should separate all the young plants in several pots now. But I know that this specie is hard to transplant because you must take care of its roots. In all cases, I already could observe many movements of the plants. They stay slow and you must not hesitate to look a long time if you really want to see. The movements are not continuous. The leafs subside or straighten all the time.
  10. Getting bigger and feeding well... I have seen a slow down in the growth but I have this down to falling temps and light levels (still growing on windowsill). I just hope it doesn't get too clod for them but from what I have been told they are somewhat bomb proof. As you can see the little springtails have little chance, they are deep in the moss but from time to time must come up and get stuck in the tentacles.
  11. From the album: CPs

    Getting bigger every day... I'm shocked at just how quickly this is growing. (Thanks to a collection of lenses joined with bluetack I got a not too bad image with my phone)
  12. I am now giddy with anticipation, going from other plants my little D. capensis are past something of a danger point having at least two adult leaves each. My question is what is the best size to replant seedlings into their own pots so they can grow into great behemoths of seed setting plants? Also what is the best way to handle Drosera as covered in sticky mucus? Other plants I would hold by the leaf as leaf damage is better than root or crushing a stem.
  13. From the album: CPs

    You have no idea how happy I am to see this... This is as far as I have ever got with Drosera capensis it even has its first little drops of dew on it. I know others can get this to grow like a weed but for me seeing this when I peeked through a lens was as much a thrill as seeing Amorphophallus titanum in bloom at Kew. I will now be driving friends and family mad by making them squint at it and telling them at length how great it is.
  14. Hello everyone, this is my first post ^^ Does anyone know when my D. Binata var. Dichotoma will grow traps, they are about 1 month old or so, maybe a bit older, and only the stems seem to be growing. Sorry if this seems stupid but i'm a beginner xD ( and they could do with spacing out :O :/ ) Thanks
  15. I have done it after years of trying I have got Drosera capensis to grow. I have no idea why it was so hard as most people have said stick it in moss and it will grow. I have two pots with sphagnum in and not a sausage for over two years so I thought I'd try other growing mediums from sheep wool to cotton wool and BINGO! the one on cotton wool has worked. Now here is the problem. Cotton wool is a compleatly sterile environment as in 0% micronutrients and my seedlings are far too small to feed. Are they going to reach a size and then just exhaust themselves or will the make it to a size that I can feed them a fungus gnat or two? I have seen people talking about orchid feed and seaweed feed as a root boost should I try a few dilute drops on the cotton wool. I just don't want to get this far and kill them off only to have another 14 month wait for germination.
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