Hey everyone!
On December 11th (last month), I placed two leaves each of Droseras flexicaulis and cistiflora "Purple Flower" into water filled vials and left them unattended until yesterday. When I checked them, I was pleased to discover that erupting from the center of each leaf from both species were long filaments, white at the base and approaching green at the growing end. In D. cistiflora they measure around 1.5 and .5 centimeters, and in D. flexicaulis they measure .7 and .25 cm. I am wondering what other cues I will need to observe before I can safely introduce these cuttings into new media, and what that new media should preferably be.
I am considering changing the water and waiting another month before introducing the plants into a peat or sphagnum slurry. Hardening off these species is important to me, as both of them are exceedingly expensive in the US, and the question at issue here is primarily what reliable processes are to securely decant the pullings into media.
Of particular concern is D. cistiflora, which will need to develop a taproot in order to survive its dry dormancy. Does anyone have any success with water pullings from this particular species? Or flexicaulis, for that matter?
Thank you very much,