Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any experience growing aquatic Utricularia (or any other aquatic species) from seed?
I received a packet of U.volubilis as a substitute in a seed order and have successfully germinated a few of the seeds in a cup of DI water with some peat and sand at the bottom...now what do I do with them? This is the first fully aquatic plant species I've tried to grow from seed.
If they can grow terrestrially, then that sounds like the easy option, but I cant find any reference to this being possible for U.volubilis. My fear with growing them submersed is of algae smothering them before they reach a suitable size for placing in an aquarium.
I have much experience growing aquatic plants (from "high-tech" to Walstad-style), and currently have a CO2 injected planted tank fertilised using "Estimative index" principles, which I'm sure mature specimens of U.volubilis would thrive in - however this tank is full of fish, shrimp, snails, etc. and the tiny plants would just get eaten/lost/overgrown in there at their current size.
My current plan is to see how big I can get them in the cup before transferring to a small clear "breeder box" in the planted tank, but if anyone has any other suggestions please let me know! :)