Hi ! I present you today my lowland terrarium. I hope you are not afraid by warm temperatures and humidity ! ;)
The tank.
Same view, when the fogger is working.
Inside. The jungle is sleeping under the fog...
All is growing in all directions !
Nepenthes gracilis, which begins to climb so I use a tantalum wire to maintain it.
A young Nepenthes albomarginata "green", which begins to make me new leaves and pitchers after a long acclimatization.
Nepenthes kampotiana, detail. This one grows quickly. But at this moment it's slower.
Last pitcher of Nepenthes "ventrinermis". I think it's the faster grower I have, after my Codariocalyx motorius.
Nepenthes tentaculata which is in acclimatization. For the moment, all is fine.
A big Heliamphora heterodoxa x nutans. I have it since more of one year. It already flowered.
What can we see behind the foliage ? Is it a Nepenthes ventricosa ? Yes of course.
This Nepenthes northiana is hiding. Sorry, I don't succeed to do better. The plant is really inaccessible.
A young Nepenthes andamana, beside a small Drosera prolifera. I've obtained this Nepenthes from Marcello Catalano, an italien naturalist present on this forum... And who has discovered and described this specie if my memorie is good. Nice, no ?
Several Drosera schizandra.
My Codariocalyx motorius. A very fast grower !
And one of my favorite Nepenthes adnata.