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Found 6 results

  1. Good Night, One question, i have seen some amazing setups for terrarium which works with a waterchiller. I want to a less tech terrarium system, my problem is that i have 3 terrarium 60x45x45 and i have only a water chiller haliea150a able to cool water to 6ºC (30L max). My question is that people use for cooling the water to the tank and the radiator but i wanted to know if i can get 14-16ºC at night cooling my isolated terrariums only with radiators (the water conected to them would come from an isolated box with 10-20L is enough at 6ºC). The reason is that if i want to cool directly the water and the radiator i would have to cool 100-140L of water and i dont think i could set that amount of water to that lower temperature 6-10ºC im attaching a schema image and a sample video My setup: other similar setups: This would be my setup! Thanks to all and a happy new year!
  2. Greetings all, Starting again on this forum like a few others are (unfortunately all of my posts & my account were gone, but we're moving onward!) I hope everyone gets back on their feet alright after the data loss upset. However, I have perused and perused posts for hours trying to figure this out... So, before I get to the mystery itself I will let you know the conditions which my VFT's are currently experiencing: I have about 12 VFT's grown from seed. They are 8 months old and about only 4 mm tall/wide, but some with anywhere between a few and up to 15 traps on each plant. They are planted in a large, wide tray with glass walls, insulated around the outside where the soil is with cardboard, and a ventilated / half-open top. The medium is 8-10 inches (20-25 cm) deep of 60/40 peat moss and black silica sand with a loose gravel bottom layer. They are "injected" (I simply use a needle-less syringe / eye dropper tool to squeeze water near each plant) about once a week and occasionally top watered with a spray bottle every now and then in between injections. The soil is typically moist and very rarely completely dries out before I water again, but just enough. Temperatures are kept at about 76 - 78 degrees F (approx. 24 - 26 C) when the lights are on, and about 74 - 76 degrees F (approx. 23 - 24 C) at night when the lights are off. They receive 16 hours a day of artificial light from 2 long T8 Full Spectrum FloraMax fluorescent lights that are about 8 inches (20 cm) away from the plants as well as at least a few hours a day of sunlight (as long as it is not terribly cloudy) through the glass door they stand beside. For outdoor temp zone reference, I live in Indiana, USA. SO, here is the mystery: I have a few plants that simply have wanted to give up in the last several weeks, specifically once it got colder, with many traps just turning black on an every-other-day basis at times for some plants. Yet, they are right next to plants that are thriving and doing fantastically! For instance, I had 2 plants that are planted not but 1.5 inches (4 cm) apart, and one is doing amazing (very green) with over a dozen traps on it - but its direct neighbor who up until recently had just as many traps looks wilted and has had its traps almost all go black in a matter of a very short time (about 1-2 weeks for this one.) There are others in the same environment but doing the same thing - near very well-performing plants but have been struggling like none other for some reason since winter cold, and I can't figure it out... Why would some be doing so very well, but others next to those ones be ailing and not creating new growth as old growth dies off? Could it be that the medium needs refreshed, they're trying to go into dormancy for some reason, competition or simple natural selection, change in closeness/amount of light, or is it the fact that they had been eating some aphids in the late summer/fall before I took care of the issue and they haven't eaten since (or ate too often before to help the newer growth thrive?) It seems so complex to me, and I keep reading differing opinions on what this could mean... Any help and feedback would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
  3. Unfortunately I am having to sell my collection of plants (mainly sarracenia) but I am hoping to hold onto a handful of plants to grow indoors on a sunny windowsill. My Darlingtonia has always grown well in my greenhouse underneath the staging where it is rarely subjected to full sun. In my new place, I hope to be able to grow it indoors, a few feet away from a very sunny West-facing window. Does this sound adequate as far as light levels are concerned? Thanks.
  4. This year my vfts have been living on a sunny windowsill in my house which was less than ideal, but i have finally gotten hold of a greenhouse. average temperature in the house has been about 18-20C day and 16-18C night. However in the greenhouse, night time temps will be about 10c (50f). Will i need to acclimatize the plants or could i just transfer them straight in?. I have asked in another forum but only received one response so wanted to double check.
  5. Hi there! As I promised in several topics, I´m showing some pics of my terrarium. I grow some Helis, Neps, Cepha and Drosera in there. All plants are growin nicely, and showing a very deep red colouration. I also hace some S purpurea ssp purpurea heterophylla x courtii seedlings in there, but they are barely visible yet. I planning to add some CREE and Luxeon Rebel LEDs (the most efficient in the market) to improve more the ligting while I save electricity, couse I intend to become this terrario in a planted terrario. So plants will be in a slightly lower level. (The big purp partially shown in some pics is only spending the winter there. It was given to me a few weeks ago, actively growing (its a plant from a nursery). So I will link its growing with next spring and do the proper wintering next winter.)
  6. Hi there! I have some plants refusing to do anything this year. They only send some little phyllodia, and thats all. Rizome is healthy, but plants refuses to do anything but very little phyllodia, and no traps. (One of the lazy leucos only give me one well developed trap, and anything else. The rest of the lazies, nothing but small phylodia. Just like if they were in a dormancy. I have some suspects about what can be happening. 1-All this plants where buyed this winter/spring to a grower in German. He is a very well known and reliable grower, so I don´t have any trouble with him. But its important because of the location and climate. 2-All of these non growing plants are "warm" Sarracenias. I mean, Sarrs that naturally grow in southern locations (minor and leuco). I have "cooler" Sarracenias from the same growe, as purpureas, and they are doing very well. 3- Last winter was specially cold in Germany. 4- All other plants (even the same specie as the lazy ones I have from several years, or plants purchased this winther/spring to "warmer" places than Germany in winter are doing really good! So I think those plants have suferefed of extreme cold this winter, (southest sarrs like cool winters, but not to cold). and they sould be in a kind of shock. They behave as if they were still in dormancy (even in this rare hot and sunny summer we had here). Now in october I see a little more growing in one of those minors. Is it aweking now in october? Well, the thing is I am tempting to take the littles ones like psittacinas or minors (I can´t put a leuco indoor) that have refused to grow this summer indoor, under light (Hi power cob-LED lights. I grow Helis with them. Extremely bright.) to push them to grow. Yes, I know that is probable they will grow next spring. But, hence they have been in dormancy from 2011 November till now, I am thinking about making them grow indoors until mid spring, to link with the natural growing season, and them take them out. Letting them "sleep" next winter. They are southest sarras I am planning to do that with. With (I think) not a need os a strong dormancy. (But, I know still necesary) Minor and psittacinas (Not all my minors, neither all my psitts.). In part because I want to see this plants growing at last, in part because of experimenting, Do you think I am making a really big dissaster here? Another question for you. It is known that little seedlings (of sarrs an VFT) can skip dormancy for one or two years). Can I do de same whit the VFT plantlets that grow from the mother plants?? . My bigs VFT are sending out some tiny VFT plants from theirs sides, Just wondering if i can put them under lights and skip dormancy as if it were a sedling. Thanks.
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