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Found 11 results

  1. Hi everyone, Brand new to the forum and only a couple of months into owning my CPs. I am not a botanist and also not a native English speaker, but I hope I manage to explain things properly. So far, I have VFTs, Drosera paradoxa, D. capensis, and a ping that I assume is a Tina based on online pics and the fact that it came from a plant retailer. I live in Denmark, and I'm growing my plants in my window sill. I know that there are fancier and more optimal setups, but this is what I can manage at this point. I do collect rain water and bugs for my plants, and they seem to be doing well so far :) My question is: should I didvide my capensis? I see pics of capensis with a structure more similar to paradoxa i.e. a central point from which all the leaves originate. I am pretty sure I must have multiple plants in each pot, but is there a right and wrong time to divide, and is it even necessary before next spring? I've had them since Aug 4th, so less than a month. I have ordered spaghnum moss, and I have some soil specifically for "sowing and growing seedlings" (translated from Danish), which is spaghnum mixed with some type of sand. I tried repotting one of my paradoxas into the latter medium, because a lot of its original medium had spilled during transportation, and the plant became like a miniature. The leaves are much shorter, but it has more dew than the untouched ones. Was thinking to mix some moss in with the soil for my next attempt. All have flower stalks and I'm practicing emasculation and cross pollination on the first 2 which are from the same store, while I wait for the hopefully unrelated one to flower. Also tried some leaf pullings, but didn't seem to get much stipule(?) on my pulled clusters... they are in a sealed jar with rainwater. Sorry for this very long first post - just so excited to be part of the CPUK community and looking forward to your input :)
  2. At first this floral stem caught my attention as it had branched in 3 or 4. But it seems that now the flower sepals have been modified to generate those leaves with mucilage. Interesting mutation here.
  3. Hi everyone, I’m from Malaysia, where the temperature is typically somewhere between around 28°C and 35°C. Over the past few months I started growing sundews on my balcony. I’m totally new to sundews but so far Drosera Capillaris “long arm”, drosera burmanii, and drosera nidiformis have been doing well. Drosera Paradoxa have been doing ok for a while too until it seems to enter dormancy due to lack of sunlight. However, one sundew that I have difficulty keeping alive has been the supposedly indestructible Drosera Capensis. I had multiple instances where a newly arrived plant will die within a few days right beside other sundews which are doing ok. While browsing through forums, it appears that not many fellow CP growers in the tropics grow Drosera Capensis. I’ve also seen a few growers mention that Drosera Capensis doesn’t do well here, and it will often die back to its roots during hotter months. Which leads me to wonder - perhaps d.capensis’s ease of care and suitability to beginners only apply to growers in cooler regions? While it is a “subtropical” plant, it probably doesn’t do as well in the true tropics, especially when compared to heat loving plants like the petiolaris complex or burmanii. Any thoughts and experiences on growing drosera Capensis in the tropics?
  4. Vegetarian sundews: Few people know, that carnivorous plants like also vegetarian diet, as long as it is rich in protein like flower pollen. To show this, we fed fresh stamens of a Sarracenia leucophylla with adhering pollen to four different Drosera species (photos). D. capensis and D. ultramafica rolled in the leaf as intensive as with animal prey. D. capensis x aliciae moved at least the surrounding tentacles to the protein pack and the tentacles of D. schizandra, which does not show any leaf movement even with mosquitoes, clearly dock on the pollen portion, enjoying the meal.
  5. Finally got my lens adapters today, played with the reverse ring using the kit lens (18-55) Will still figure out the best way to use the coupling ring between the 18-55 and 55-250 lenses. Camera is aging a bit too, still my old faithful Canon 1000D. http://i.imgur.com/juJUodY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/e4TTbcU.jpg
  6. eph101

    Capensis help

    Hi all, My 2 year old D. Capensis is looking a bit off in parts, of the three split plants two are flowering very well but a fair few of the leaves are decaying from the middle out (rather than from the tips). All I can think is that the flowers are draining its energy? The third plant has stopped growing at all, with no dew and has turned yellow (it has a long stalk from old growth and even some exposed roots). They definitely need re-potting, but as it's in flower and there are few plantlets popping up atm, so I don't want to disturb it yet. Not sure it's relevant, but the plants moved to my new greenhouse from indoors a few months ago, though my others are all doing well and are healthy in there. I've been interested in CPs for years, but I'm new to the forum. Though I'm only as novice so any help is much appreciated. Thanks a lot, Ed
  7. Well it has been fun getting my little Drosera capensis from seed to flower. Planted first set of successful seeds on 2nd October 2013. Germinated on 25th October 2013. First true leaves 5th November 2013. First flower spike seen 28th June 2014. Now between the sowing of the seeds and the flower I had fungal problems, mishap with environmental change and fungus gnats but I have now some very healthy and strong plants. Now thanks to a kind member on the site I have more than enough seeds to fill my house a hundred times over with Drosera. Things I will be trying in the coming months and in the new growing season: Leaf Cuttings. Different types of growing media. A large scale Drosera setup. Wild moss types as surface cover. All in good time but hope to have some on the go very soon.
  8. From the album: CPs

    Getting bigger every day... I'm shocked at just how quickly this is growing. (Thanks to a collection of lenses joined with bluetack I got a not too bad image with my phone)
  9. From the album: CPs

    You have no idea how happy I am to see this... This is as far as I have ever got with Drosera capensis it even has its first little drops of dew on it. I know others can get this to grow like a weed but for me seeing this when I peeked through a lens was as much a thrill as seeing Amorphophallus titanum in bloom at Kew. I will now be driving friends and family mad by making them squint at it and telling them at length how great it is.
  10. There is a lot about light and heat for are beloved plants but how much is too much. As some will know we are in something of good weather for the UK but my garden is hitting 27oC and light levels are through the roof. It is at a point that I have had to shade some of my more shade loving seedlings, Digitalis and such. I have my one seedling sunning in the garden and a set of seed and some look like they may be starting to germinate (when viewed at 400X magnification) all covered to stop them drying out but am I at risk of cooking them?
  11. Little-Bacchus


    From the album: CPs

    I did it!!! After numarous failed attempts I got one to grow... Now I just have to keep it alive. Sorry for the fuzzy image but macro is bad on my phone and this is about 1mm from tip to tip of the first true leaves.
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