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  1. Turo

    Drosera ID

    The great thing about growing plants in Sphagnum (cuttings, orchids without roots, other carnivores) is that you usually will get unknown seedlings growing happily inbetween the Sphagnum. Sometimes these seedlings manage to survive outside the terrarium conditions in the 8l plastic bottles I use to pamper young or damaged orchids. As happened with this Drosera. Outside the bottle, it has made three new leaves, which seem to be hirsute. A week stem, and roundish to kidney shaped leaves. The picture isn't the best, and the unknown Drosera is small. Obviously a seedling, transported in a dutch Sphagnum bag. Any clues what it could be?
  2. I have been cultivating this sundew for a few months but it does not produce mucielago and the tips burn. Can someone help me with its cultivation? Humidity:90-100% Light:12h Lux Meter: 0300 x10 lums Water: All time whit water
  3. Hi there, I am Andreas (35) from Germany and apologize for my not very good English. I've been involved with carnivores for a very long time. It all started with a small Venus flytrap on my window sill when I was 12 years old. Meanwhile I have a small bog bed and a carnivore terrarium. I had to close my terrarium at short notice because of a move. Unfortunately, due to misunderstandings, some of my plants were damaged during transport. For this reason, my plants in the terrarium do not look very good at the moment. I think that will come back over time. Since I like to experiment a lot, this time I designed a wet area next to the slate fountain that was already in my old pool. The pool was designed in such a way that the water (the pump only runs 30 minutes a day) floods this area and can then drain off again in the sphangum area (favoured via an artificial pipe system in the expanded clay). The wet area is mainly reserved for Drosera madagascariensis. If you can think of any other plants (preferably no Utricularia) that I could plant in the wet area, please feel free to write to me. I placed sphangum on the slate stone fountain. The fountain, which only runs every other day for 30 minutes a day, keeps the sphagnum continuously moist to wet. The rest of the pool was laid out in a cascading fashion. I am open to questions and hints (tips). Link to my terrarium: Pictures of my terrarium:
  4. Hi, this is my first post and my second summer of successful CP growing. I fell in love with Sarracenia purpurea and a Drosera filiformis, and having successfully made it through a year of cultivation, I have become the owner of several more Hardy plants with which I am in the process of creating a sink display bog garden. I am getting addicted to Utricularia spp. right now too, but windowsill grower only! I have a Pinguicula grandiflora to exchange when I can get a moment to post in the appropriate page. Thanks for reading, hope to see you all around. W.
  5. Only one of several recently potted up drosera has done this. it appears to have given up trying to grow as a plant and its leaves are growing new plants? I can see at least 2 plants coming, is this normal?
  6. Hello, I brought a mixed seed pack of drosera a year ago to start off my new hobby. In the mixed seed list, it listed that it included seed from D burkeana, burmannii and spatulata. I have been assuming these are all spatulata as that seems to be more common? The top left drosera in the photo is especially interesting to me as I think it may be a different species to the rest of them. It doesn’t produce much dew and it grows much faster and bigger than the rest of the plants. perhaps they are hybrids of spatulata. I would be very keen on any insight you could give me on the fascinating plants Thank you for looking in
  7. Hi Guys, I’m new here and new to growing carnivorous plants so I would like to get some help from you please. I just bought my first Drosera Capensis, or that’s what I think it is…Could you please confirm? The plant doesn’t look too good in my opinion, the leaves are beginning to get brown and die starting from the top and no dew is produced at all. I got it fro a super-market where it probably didn’t see the light of the day and the soil was dried out. I live in Romania where is now autumn and I don’t have direct sunlight on my windows. Can I grow the plant without special artificial light? Is the room’s light bulb enough? Do you think I can rescue it, and if yes how? Should I repot the plant, in what kind of soil, is general flower soil good? I think there are actually two or three plants in there… should I split them apart in different pots? Thank You, Catalin
  8. Welcome to our carnivorous plant speed contest! Four carnivorous genera qualified for our speed contest and they all give their best. Is Aldrovanda able to keep up even against the water resistance? How well does the famous Venus flytrap? Does the sundew that is usually regarded quite sedate have a chance at all in this competition? And what's the story with the southern bladderwort? Examined in detail with the help of time lapse as well as slow motion shots. English subtitles provided, enjoy! Special thanks go to Dr. Simon Poppinga and his team of the Plant Biomechanics Group of the University Freiburg as well as to Dr. Jan Schlauer for his kind support.
  9. I was observing a colony of Drosera cunifolia on table mountain with Drosera aliciae just meters away when I found an oddball that immediately stood out to me and I am assuming is a hybrid between the two. No other species were closer that 50 meters. The plant didn’t flower this year and i don’t want to wait till next year so does anyone have in their collection Drosera cunifolia x aliciae or a picture of it please? And if anyone has heard of this hybrid in the wild also please let me know. It’s very nice seems to have the best characteristics of both species and for this time of year when both parents look small and unhappy it looked like it was in its prime bigger than both parents. Probably some hybrid vigor there:)
  10. Hi all, Just wanted to share this Drosera rotundifolia I found growing on Bodmin moor in the UK. They were once more widespread here, but following a recent expansion of the A30 road, a long strip of the plants were destroyed, along with some bog orchid species. This photo is taken of a population that grows about 200m from the road.
  11. Hi all, I just wanted to share a gorgeous flower from my Drosera hyperostigma. I find that this pygmy grows really well for me on a windowsill with LED grow lights supplementing the natural light.
  12. At first this floral stem caught my attention as it had branched in 3 or 4. But it seems that now the flower sepals have been modified to generate those leaves with mucilage. Interesting mutation here.
  13. New playlist with recommended documentaries on different CP. The results of extensive research and own experiments from recent years. Ideal for dark winter days. View the whole playlist (starts automatically) or only single movies, selectable by clicking on the line symbol (1/10) in the upper left corner. All in HD, ideal for a large monitor. Irmgard and I wish you a good entertainment and a successful CP-season 2019. 1) Venus Flytrap Prey Capture 2) Catapulting Sundew (short footage) 3) Pitcher Plants Capture Mice 4) CP-Bug Mutualisms 5) Spiderleg Sundew Emergences (section Arachnopus) 6) The True Indian Sundew 7) Byblis & Lindernia: Motion and Enzymetests 8) The European Bladderworts (Utricularia) 9) Pygmy Drosera: Rapid Catapults 10) Fluorescent CP traps
  14. Another one of the sites I visited on my wanderings this year. This site is about 3 kms north east of my place (as the crow flies) and is part of the catchment (upstream) of the creek on my place. The main interest here is Utricularia kimberleyensis as it's the only place I've found it locally. In a lot of surface flow of water over fine sand but also a lot of exposed lateritic rock. Slope was very slight but water depth was a good 50mm with good movement. Towards the end of the wet season as the surface water disappeared so too did the U. kimberleyensis. In much the same environment is utricularia limosa, although in water a bit shallower. Never saw it in the absence of surface water. A lot of Utricularia leptoplectra, again mostly standing in the stream of water but some just out of it. An insect (probably) had eaten through the stalk of some flowers hence the photo of the reverse (yellow) side. As everywhere, there's Utricularia nivea. Utricularia chrysantha is a late starter coming up in drier spots or where water levels have dropped. Colours are closer to those at my place rather than the pure yellow which seems most common elsewhere. Not many Drosera, most of those D. fulva. Drosera dilitatopetiolaris And only one Drosera aquatica. I suspect there's too much surface water flow.
  15. Noticed this a few days ago, all on the same stalk, one even caught a fly.
  16. Cup trap. Sl seedling. Schuppentiel 1. Funnel trap. S. leucophylla "Red Veines/White Top MK L 15", Citronelle AL Best regards.
  17. Like the prodigal son I return the the place it all started to throw myself on the wisdom of my betters. My D. capensis are looking very sorry for themselves, I have tried flushing the media through with clean water, I have changed the media, I have moved some to other brighter locations but no matter what I do all new growth comes up looking... odd (see images) even in the growth stage you can see it is going to come up odd and then I get this pointed formation that browns and dies back. I have in the same pots a few that are not showing this odd formation. I let them grow for a bit as I know they can do strange things but all new growth for about 5 months has been like this. So does anyone know the reason behind this.
  18. Hi everyone. I have some question about my drosera filiformis red seedlings. I bought seeds of this drosera as seeds of Drosera Filiformis Red. At first they were very red, but then it became just green with red tentacles. I began to doubt that I actually have that plant and i think that they are simple Drosera filiformis with dormancy period. Now they are looking like this. I think they started forming a hibernacula. What do you think about this?
  19. Smarty

    Drosera id

    Please help me and identify this drosera...I think is burmannii...
  20. hi everyone from northern italy! i'm cultivating carnivorous plants from about 10 years,i've started with a small dionaea and a sarracenia from a garden centre,and now my collection is expanding. a lot! i've recently built a small greenhouse for the plants,so they can survive my cold winter here.. i'm currently experimenting a peat free mix in a lot of my plants,and i hope to going peat free with all my plants in the future. happy to join the best CP community in the world! cheers- fabio.
  21. hi everyone! there is some photos taken at my small CP collection. i hope you like it! Dionaea ARGO88 clone Heliamphora minor x heterodoxa Heliamphora minor "auyan tepui" Drosera capensis and Drosera capensis alba Drosera regia Drosera pulchella 44A red flower Pinguicula corsica "lago di creno" more photos will come soon!
  22. I need help! I've had my Drosera Capensis for nearly two weeks now and after the first week it started to look like this. It is sitting in a south facing window getting a fair amount of direct sunlight each day. I am using de ionised water which it sits in most of the time as i let the dish dry up before watering it again. I am hoping that I can revive it back to its strong pointy leaves like it had the day I bought it. Thanks!
  23. Have been reading up recently on colchicine/oryzalin and their use in plant breeding (specifically in Drosera hybrids) to produce fertile (otherwise infertile) hybrids by chromosome doubling. Where (if at all) can these chemicals be acquired safely and legally? I'm aware oryzalin is a component in some herbicides but am unable to source any from the UK. Thanks, Rob.
  24. My first post as a member, so bear with me Bought the pictured sundews from triffidnurseries.co.uk labelled as D. spatulata, however the left-hand plant has a slightly different leaf shape/colouring than the rest of the plants. Also, the flower scape is significantly taller than the rest of the other plants. Just a natural variation within the species, or is it possible another plant seeded itself alongside the spatulata?
  25. Hello, has anyone of you guys ever ordered from this website http://www.droseragemmae.com/? I see it's located in the US, so I was wondering whether it's be a deal buying something from them or a risk of receiving half-dead stuff. Thanks!
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