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Hi everyone, Brand new to the forum and only a couple of months into owning my CPs. I am not a botanist and also not a native English speaker, but I hope I manage to explain things properly. So far, I have VFTs, Drosera paradoxa, D. capensis, and a ping that I assume is a Tina based on online pics and the fact that it came from a plant retailer. I live in Denmark, and I'm growing my plants in my window sill. I know that there are fancier and more optimal setups, but this is what I can manage at this point. I do collect rain water and bugs for my plants, and they seem to be doing well so far :) My question is: should I didvide my capensis? I see pics of capensis with a structure more similar to paradoxa i.e. a central point from which all the leaves originate. I am pretty sure I must have multiple plants in each pot, but is there a right and wrong time to divide, and is it even necessary before next spring? I've had them since Aug 4th, so less than a month. I have ordered spaghnum moss, and I have some soil specifically for "sowing and growing seedlings" (translated from Danish), which is spaghnum mixed with some type of sand. I tried repotting one of my paradoxas into the latter medium, because a lot of its original medium had spilled during transportation, and the plant became like a miniature. The leaves are much shorter, but it has more dew than the untouched ones. Was thinking to mix some moss in with the soil for my next attempt. All have flower stalks and I'm practicing emasculation and cross pollination on the first 2 which are from the same store, while I wait for the hopefully unrelated one to flower. Also tried some leaf pullings, but didn't seem to get much stipule(?) on my pulled clusters... they are in a sealed jar with rainwater. Sorry for this very long first post - just so excited to be part of the CPUK community and looking forward to your input :)
I was wondering whether I have anything to gain by dividing my Aliciae up? it's looking a litle clumped as it is, would it be happier as single rosettes? it was re-potted about a fortnight ago and I'm kicking myself for not doing it then but it's had something of a growth spurt since and what was a pot that would have been fine for a plant not doing a great deal is now looking a bit full. top view side view, (I know it says dionea on the pot, it was just the first one that came to hand. maybe I should have used a bigger one ) While I'm here, is thre any way to get it to colour up a little? I'd quite like to see it a little redder though I'm sure the lack of sunshine outsed has had a large hand in that.