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  1. Hi, this is my first post and my second summer of successful CP growing. I fell in love with Sarracenia purpurea and a Drosera filiformis, and having successfully made it through a year of cultivation, I have become the owner of several more Hardy plants with which I am in the process of creating a sink display bog garden. I am getting addicted to Utricularia spp. right now too, but windowsill grower only! I have a Pinguicula grandiflora to exchange when I can get a moment to post in the appropriate page. Thanks for reading, hope to see you all around. W.
  2. Welcome to our carnivorous plant speed contest! Four carnivorous genera qualified for our speed contest and they all give their best. Is Aldrovanda able to keep up even against the water resistance? How well does the famous Venus flytrap? Does the sundew that is usually regarded quite sedate have a chance at all in this competition? And what's the story with the southern bladderwort? Examined in detail with the help of time lapse as well as slow motion shots. English subtitles provided, enjoy! Special thanks go to Dr. Simon Poppinga and his team of the Plant Biomechanics Group of the University Freiburg as well as to Dr. Jan Schlauer for his kind support.
  3. New playlist with recommended documentaries on different CP. The results of extensive research and own experiments from recent years. Ideal for dark winter days. View the whole playlist (starts automatically) or only single movies, selectable by clicking on the line symbol (1/10) in the upper left corner. All in HD, ideal for a large monitor. Irmgard and I wish you a good entertainment and a successful CP-season 2019. 1) Venus Flytrap Prey Capture 2) Catapulting Sundew (short footage) 3) Pitcher Plants Capture Mice 4) CP-Bug Mutualisms 5) Spiderleg Sundew Emergences (section Arachnopus) 6) The True Indian Sundew 7) Byblis & Lindernia: Motion and Enzymetests 8) The European Bladderworts (Utricularia) 9) Pygmy Drosera: Rapid Catapults 10) Fluorescent CP traps
  4. Another one of the sites I visited on my wanderings this year. This site is about 3 kms north east of my place (as the crow flies) and is part of the catchment (upstream) of the creek on my place. The main interest here is Utricularia kimberleyensis as it's the only place I've found it locally. In a lot of surface flow of water over fine sand but also a lot of exposed lateritic rock. Slope was very slight but water depth was a good 50mm with good movement. Towards the end of the wet season as the surface water disappeared so too did the U. kimberleyensis. In much the same environment is utricularia limosa, although in water a bit shallower. Never saw it in the absence of surface water. A lot of Utricularia leptoplectra, again mostly standing in the stream of water but some just out of it. An insect (probably) had eaten through the stalk of some flowers hence the photo of the reverse (yellow) side. As everywhere, there's Utricularia nivea. Utricularia chrysantha is a late starter coming up in drier spots or where water levels have dropped. Colours are closer to those at my place rather than the pure yellow which seems most common elsewhere. Not many Drosera, most of those D. fulva. Drosera dilitatopetiolaris And only one Drosera aquatica. I suspect there's too much surface water flow.
  5. Hello , I'm Wasan , I'm a new member of CPUK. Last November I went to the top of the waterfall in Ubon-Ratchathani province, Thailand. I found Utricularia bifiba and U. delphinioides Drosera Indica Sorry if I call them wrong name Enjoy!! Wasan
  6. Hi all, Just adding some photos and updating everyone on how the displays doing, Pitchers have come up well, and most of the plants are now in full growth. However, I am having some issues with green fly on my Drosera and Dionaea. I'll hopefully get this sorted before September. I have also nearly completed my outdoor Carnivorous plant display (I know I'm spoilt) just need to finish getting materials then plants can start going in. Any comments are appreciated, but remember this display is still young and hopefully will continue to get better, any questions feel free to ask. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f67ojhpjb6ghrfr/AAA6fgcWVnxo7ZtrUnteuyUka?dl=0 Enjoy :)
  7. This looks like Utricularia amethystina to me, which is strange, because I only ever purchased the white flower form (which has flowered before). Also Utricularia tridentata flowered again. I wish it flowered more often. It looks ghostly in this picture. Some Utricularia rostrata are flowering as well. I've given up trying to get closeup pictures, since the flowers are about half the size of those of bisquamata. Utricularia warburgii has been growing a lot but has yet to flower, although there are a few aborted stalks.
  8. Utricularia asplundii not sure if Utricularia asplundii or jamesoniana (as far as I know I only have one asplundii clone)
  9. Does anyone know what species of Utricularia these are?
  10. I have had this plant for about a year. This is the first of my Orchidioides Utricularia to flower.
  11. Gaz

    Utric longifolia

    From the album: Utricularia

    Sad looking U longiflia

    © Gary Purseglove

  12. It's a newbie in my collection - I received it with already developing flower stem. The flowerbud withstand 10 day trip across country with 7 days in my office before I moved it to its proper home. Now it's in full bloom and it's as expected beautiful display…
  13. Utricularia volubilis is one of my favorite Utricularia species and I would like to order some, but I can't really find much cultivation information for it online except for this thread: http://www.cpukforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18649. Has anyone grown this plant before?
  14. Rains have stopped here and with water levels dropping it's a good time for Utrics. Went with a group to check out what was around. The photos are not the best, but I was pleased with what was found. Utricularia kamienskii. Not a lot of them around and they were smaller flowers/plants than what I have seen previously elsewhere. Utricularia leptoplectra, quite numerous, staying mainly on higher wet ground out of the water. Utricularia odorata, another quite common one, also on the higher ground. Utricularia dunstaniae. I was particularly pleased with finding this one. They're so difficult to see, like searching for a particular fibre in a carpet. Most plants were from about 30 to 40 mm overall height. Being hair-like they were also difficult to photograph. Utricularia holtzei, another very small one but with a larger flower. The second photo gives an idea of size compared to a Drosera. Always standing in water. Utricularia hamiltonii, again a small plant but larger than holtzei. The third photo compares to Drosera and U. holtzei. Utricularia capilliflora is another of the hair-like Utrics. Difficult to find and difficult to photograph. This last one I think is Utricularia dunlopii, but not sure. They are found in that area, and I did see some there. But I deleted lots of photos that were very poor and maybe all the dunlopii went with them. If not dunlopii then perhaps a capilliflora (with a holtzei in the corner).
  15. I discovered this Utricularia growing in my tub a few days ago. I have circled the Utricularia in question in the pictures below. I think it is either prehensilis or involvens but does anyone know if it is one or the other? Neither of those species has done well for me so it will be a nice surprise if it turns out to be either of them. I also had longifolia in there before and praelonga, but I don't think it is either of those due to the shape of the stolons. The tub is normally sealed so I'm pretty sure it is not a random Utricularia that sprang up. The smaller Utricularia is bifida to give you a sense of scale.
  16. Hi everybody, One of my friends has an Utricularia which is appeared spontaneously in his sphagnum and he doesn't know what specie this plant can be... I thought to something like U. nephrophylla, U. reniformis or a young U. nelumbifolia but nothing sure. Have ou an idea ?
  17. Hi all, I can get my U. jamesoniana to flower consistently, so I would like to try to pollinate them. But it seems that there is not a lot of info on that subject to be found... Any suggestions, information, tips and whatnot is greatly appreciated! Thanks! Tim
  18. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any experience growing aquatic Utricularia (or any other aquatic species) from seed? I received a packet of U.volubilis as a substitute in a seed order and have successfully germinated a few of the seeds in a cup of DI water with some peat and sand at the bottom...now what do I do with them? This is the first fully aquatic plant species I've tried to grow from seed. If they can grow terrestrially, then that sounds like the easy option, but I cant find any reference to this being possible for U.volubilis. My fear with growing them submersed is of algae smothering them before they reach a suitable size for placing in an aquarium. I have much experience growing aquatic plants (from "high-tech" to Walstad-style), and currently have a CO2 injected planted tank fertilised using "Estimative index" principles, which I'm sure mature specimens of U.volubilis would thrive in - however this tank is full of fish, shrimp, snails, etc. and the tiny plants would just get eaten/lost/overgrown in there at their current size. My current plan is to see how big I can get them in the cup before transferring to a small clear "breeder box" in the planted tank, but if anyone has any other suggestions please let me know! :)
  19. Hi all, It has been a while since I showed pictures of my set-up, so I have decided to launch this thread. Here we go. Heliamphora tatei {Cerro Huachamachare} : Heliamphora tatei {Cerro Marahuaka} : Heliamphora neblinae {Cerro Neblina} : Heliamphora glabra {Wei Tepui}. I have accidentally broken one growing point recently . I'm going to try my 'highest cutting' ever : Heliamphora purpurascens {Ptari Tepui} : Heliamphora elongata {Karaurin Tepui} : Heliamphora sarracenioides {Ptari Tepui} : Heliamphora minor var. pilosa {Auyan Tepui} : Heliamphora minor "Giant" {Aonda, AuyanTepui} : Heliamphora nutans {Yuruani Tepui} : Utricularia mannii : Utricularia jamesoniana : Deserving a special highlight, as it is currently blooming in my terrarium for the first time, Utricularia campbelliana {Wei Tepui} : More to come : Not really a highland plant, but getting well as I have never been truly successful with this species, Pinguicula planifolia : Cheers Vince
  20. Hi Guys, I want to utilise the expertise that some people on cpukforum have of Utricularia species. In 2010 I came across a species of bladderwort in Tanzania in the rainforest. I do possess some taxonomical expertise myself, but not in plants. Yet I haven't seen any species so far that resembles the exact phenotypic layout of this specimen. So I was hoping that someone on this forum could enlighten me. Did I come across a new species? Also I should mention that this species was growing in a thin water film on a rock so it's actually part aquatic and part terrestrial. Here is a photograph of the specimen: I have some more photographs that I need to dig up, but if anyone could already shed some light on the matter that would be great! Cheers, Johan
  21. In a contest held to reward photos taken through microscopes a photo of a Utricularia was awarded as the best photo. For more pics: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-startling-beauty-of-the-microscopic-180949245/
  22. Some of you might remember last year when I was worrying that my U. nelumbifolia only grew runners not leaves and it looked like this... after months of waiting it looks like I shouldn't have worried because there are still no leaves but now it looks like this... and this and this... the lower flower on the group of 4 first opened at the beginning of March and they're all still going strong. Thanks for looking.
  23. Irmgard and I are happy to report, that the upload of excerpts from our movie (and DVD) "On CP-Tour with Stewart McPherson" (2010) is now completed on YouTube. Our new edited play list (Link below, then click on "On CP-Tour ...") makes it possible to enjoy Stew's amazing Tepui-adventures complete and according to the original film (67 minutes). It provides all Heliamphora species which have been described until 2010, thrilling helicopter flights over unique landscapes and much more. Take the time to experience some really exciting adventures in an amazing and unique ambiance. http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=1
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