Hi there!
As I promised in several topics, I´m showing some pics of my terrarium. I grow some Helis, Neps, Cepha and Drosera in there. All plants are growin nicely, and showing a very deep red colouration. I also hace some S purpurea ssp purpurea heterophylla x courtii seedlings in there, but they are barely visible yet.
I planning to add some CREE and Luxeon Rebel LEDs (the most efficient in the market) to improve more the ligting while I save electricity, couse I intend to become this terrario in a planted terrario. So plants will be in a slightly lower level.
(The big purp partially shown in some pics is only spending the winter there. It was given to me a few weeks ago, actively growing (its a plant from a nursery). So I will link its growing with next spring and do the proper wintering next winter.)