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Hi all, Ive received from a vendor 4 months ago 3 helis (uncinata, minor, heterodoxa X nutans). the existing pitchers are keep getting dry/burnt while no new pitchers are appearing. I am growing in an indoor cabinet with a fan constantly operating. Please see below the growing conditions and some pictures. If that's a fungi problem, any product to recommend? Thanks so much for any help! :) ROL>95%, 23-20degs typical temperature with 26degs(max day)-16degs(min night), light 392PARS, watering every 3 days from above, soil mix perlite peat moss 50/50, rain water, 14 hours daylight, fan Always on
Hello everyone, There are a lot of amazing pictures of heliamphora and a lot of talented growers with perfect plants growing in perfect conditions. I've been growing heliamphora in amateur conditions in my bedroom for almost 8 years now and I just wanted to share that it's possible to have nice plants without extra night temperature drops or expensive cooling systems. Having said that, I'm a bit of a plant freak and I'd love to provide my plants with the best conditions possible, so I'm constantly thinking of employing an efficient and cost-effective cooling system. In my situation, I'm thinking of buying an air-conditionin unit for next summer to cool the entire bedroom. Currently, I'm growing 21 species, but my collection has really expanded this year (almost half the species I have). For now, my plants are grown in a grow chamber under full-spectrum grow LED lights. I use a fogger to control humidity and temperature. There are 2 PC fans for moving the air inside and one exhaust fan in the top part to exhaust the warm air (from lights). The temperature depends on the ambient room temperature. Now, and during the whole winter/spring, the conditions are right - day temperature max 24°C, night temperatures 18-14 °C, based on the temperature outside. Summer is harsh - day temperature around 27 °C, night 22 - 20 °C - plants stunt their growth, turn more green than red, but nothing dies. Some species develop red spots on their older leaves from fungus attacks, but still continue to grow. Here are some current pictures. There are still "summer leaves" co you can see the effect of not optimal conditions on the plants. This is how the whole setup looks: And here are some detailed pictures of selected plants: Heliamphora uncinata (M.Schach clone) Heliamphora parva Heliamphora heterodoxa (Gran Sabana) Heliamphora neblinae (Cerro de la Neblina) Heliamphora purpurascens Heliamphora collina (or H. spec. Venamo, M.Schach clone) Heliamphora pulchella (Amuri hairless)
Hello everybody, Recently, I've been obsessed by all the tepuis Heliamphoras grow at and started to collect Heliamphora clones from different tepuis to collect them all one day. But I noticed something strange to me. In numerous articles I read about tepuis I haven't come across the name Apacapa tepui, which was strange, as it is my favourite location of H.exappendiculata. When I googled specifically "Apacapa" tepui I only got results showing web pages of sellers (like Wistuba) and grower that all have their plants labelled "Apacapa tepui", no literature or scientific articles at all. When you look at some of the online sources listing tepuis that support Heliaphora, like Distribution of Heliamphora or Heliamphora: the various ranges and tepuis, none of them lists "Apacapa tepui". There are two similarly named tepuis that are part of the Chimantá Massif where H.exappendiculata grows though - Apacará tepui and Abacapá tepui. I started to think that "Apacapa" must be a typo of one of those tepuis. Then I found the only literature on the internet that mentions Apacapa tepui - it is the Heliamphora exappendiculata description published in Carnivorous Plant Newsletter, available here. In the part of the article called "Specimens examined" there are, among others, mentioned herbarium specimens from both "Apacapa tepui" (Apacapa-tepui, 2125-2300 m, 13.04.1953 Steyermark No. 74888 (VEN, K)) and Apacará tepui (Apacara-tepui, 1900 m, 08.07.1946, Cardona No. 51648 (VEN)). This put Apacará out of the game and I thought that Apacapa is a typo of the right name Abacapá. In the above-mentioned article, there is a picture - a scan of one herbarium specimen provided by the New York Botanical Garden. So I checked the website of the New York Botanical Garden and found out it has a virtual herbarium (which is amazing btw)! So I searched for the herbarium specimen from that article (Apacapa-tepui, 2125-2300 m, 13.04.1953 Steyermark No. 74888 (VEN, K) and found the answer - the correct location of that specimen is Abacapá tepui. You can check for yourself Heliamphora exappendiculata (Maguire & Steyerm.) Nerz & Wistuba. That means that Apacapa tepui is, indeed, a typo of Abacapá tepui, at least in that article. So, unless Apacapa is a new tepui, that is not mentioned anywhere in the literature, to me "Apacapa" does not exist and all the plants in cultivation localised as "Apacapa" should be re-labelled to "Abacapá". It doesn't make a huge difference really, but what is the point of providing location information when it's adressing a non-existent place :) I tried to reach the authors via e-mail but so far without any more details on this topic. If you happen to know anything related to this, please, join the discussion :) Pavel Vrana
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Good Night, One question, i have seen some amazing setups for terrarium which works with a waterchiller. I want to a less tech terrarium system, my problem is that i have 3 terrarium 60x45x45 and i have only a water chiller haliea150a able to cool water to 6ºC (30L max). My question is that people use for cooling the water to the tank and the radiator but i wanted to know if i can get 14-16ºC at night cooling my isolated terrariums only with radiators (the water conected to them would come from an isolated box with 10-20L is enough at 6ºC). The reason is that if i want to cool directly the water and the radiator i would have to cool 100-140L of water and i dont think i could set that amount of water to that lower temperature 6-10ºC im attaching a schema image and a sample video My setup: other similar setups: This would be my setup! Thanks to all and a happy new year!
So I have finally had a flower stalk from my H. heterodoxa and got ready to collect the pollen when the second flower started to open. I did a bit of research on the net and ended up trying the 'brute force' method since I did not have a tuning fork at my disposal! I got out my equipment and managed to collect a fair amount of pollen from the first flower. I am quite pleased that I managed to get some and will attempt to pollinate the second flower once it opens. It however occurred to me, that should anyone walk in on me, I might get a few strange looks
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Hi carni-growers! Today I am doing this post to share with you my last project: a highland landscaped terrarium. The goal of this was really simple: have a really nice landscaped terrarium to keep it in my living room & have a highland room to keep my Heliamphora collection. So I bought an old exoterra terrarium (60cmx60cmx45cm : height x width x depth), and I built a ‘structure’ around it. So the goal was to increase the insulation, and have a nice terrarium box. This is the setup: 1) Watering Really basic system, with high pressure pump, nozzle, water level security (to avoid running the pump without water). 2) Temperature Night: 12-15°C Day: 23-27°C I don’t heat the tank (I don’t need it with the LED just over it), but I need to cool it. For this I use an aquarium chiller (hailea HC 130A) which is under the tank, in a furniture (built for the tank). Cold water goes into the terrarium with a pump, and then into the 3 heat sinks (with fans) and comes back to the chiller. I also made a water cooling unit with PVC pipes, and mesh fabric. The fabric is always wet, and the air is coming through thanks to 2 fans. So water is evaporating, and thus airflow is getting a bit colder. 3) Ventilation 3 fans for air flow, plus 2 fans for the water cooling unit. They are running during the day. I will adjust frequency according to the plants reaction during the next months. 4) Light I am using Led lighting. There is 8x20W COB led. Leds are cooled with heat sinks and fans. 5) Landscaping Walls are covered with polyurethane moss, cork oak, and black mesh fabric. So the mosses, and orchids will grow on it. I wanted something really natural, without pots, labels, etc. So everything is hidden (but all the labels are in place ^^). In the bottom there is Dibond aluminium base over a seedling plate to make a small water reserve (to avoid plant soaking in the water). On top I put some horticultural felt to keep moist under the post, and to bring some water for my water cooling unit. 6) Regulation system The most important part of this tank (because without it nothing can run automatically): the regulation system. I built it with an Arduino Mega board, with many electrical connections, and computer programing (my brother helped me for this part). So everything can be ‘ON’, or ‘OFF’, or ‘AUTO’. I can change the setup/timing really easily. In the next weeks, I will add a Bluetooth module to control it directly from my smartphone. 7) Plants (The really most important part ;) ) This is the list of actual plants in my tank, but I am still looking for some heliamphora and some Utricularia ORCHIDS: Barbosella cucullata Bromeliacée sp. Bulbophyllum barbigerum Cleisostoma scolopendrifolium Earina autumnalis Epidendrum porpax Lockhartia sp. Masdevallia erinacea Masdevallia nidifica Masdevallia pyxis Masdevallia striatella Neolauchea pulchella Neoregelia liliputiana Pleurothallis /lepenthes sp. Pleurothallis hemirhoda Pleurothallis picta Pleurothallis rodrigoi Pleurothallis sertularioides Pleurothallis tripterantha Pleurothallis viduata Psychopsiella limminghei Restrepia echo Restrepia sp. (en pot) Restrepia sp. X 6 (dont Restrepia elegans) Restrepia trichoglossa Restrepia vasquezii Stellis sp. CARNIVOROUS PLANTS: Catopsis berteroniana Heliamphora heterodoxa x minor Heliamphora huberi (Akopan Tepui) Heliamphora arenicola (Tramen Tepui) Heliamphora chimantensis (Chimanta Tepui, Venezuela) Heliamphora minor Heliamphora ciliata Heliamphora pulchella (Amuri Tepui, Venezuela) Heliamphora hispida (Cerro Neblina, Venezuela) Heliamphora x 'tequila' Cephalotus follicularis Utricularia tricolor Drosera adelae ORTHER: Paepalanthus tortilis Xyris sp. (Neblina) And then the pictures of the building and the terrarium: Global view : My old electrical system My old highland terrarium (5 years old) The new tank Insulation of the tank Backgroung making Global view of making Left side view Covering with black mesh fabric View from top Water cooling unit Soldering station Regulation system making Regulation system (almost finished) I will add more pictures later to show you the plant growth =) If you have any question feel free to ask me ☺ Cheers Benjamin (Sorry for my English, I am French ^^)
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- heliamphora
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My pulchella "Akopan" bloomed, just as I finally got a new camera!
hi everyone! there is some photos taken at my small CP collection. i hope you like it! Dionaea ARGO88 clone Heliamphora minor x heterodoxa Heliamphora minor "auyan tepui" Drosera capensis and Drosera capensis alba Drosera regia Drosera pulchella 44A red flower Pinguicula corsica "lago di creno" more photos will come soon!
Hi there, in the last weeks I took some fotos from my terrarium-plants and like to show them to you. Some of the terras are very crowded, due to the fact, that the plants do grow and grow and... (Who'd have thunk? ). I'm not quite sure, how to get the plants out there some day... It's a mix of younger and older Nepenthes and Heliamphora. So, here are the pics, hope you enjoy them. Best regards, Christian ... to be continued
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Hi all, It has been a while since I showed pictures of my set-up, so I have decided to launch this thread. Here we go. Heliamphora tatei {Cerro Huachamachare} : Heliamphora tatei {Cerro Marahuaka} : Heliamphora neblinae {Cerro Neblina} : Heliamphora glabra {Wei Tepui}. I have accidentally broken one growing point recently . I'm going to try my 'highest cutting' ever : Heliamphora purpurascens {Ptari Tepui} : Heliamphora elongata {Karaurin Tepui} : Heliamphora sarracenioides {Ptari Tepui} : Heliamphora minor var. pilosa {Auyan Tepui} : Heliamphora minor "Giant" {Aonda, AuyanTepui} : Heliamphora nutans {Yuruani Tepui} : Utricularia mannii : Utricularia jamesoniana : Deserving a special highlight, as it is currently blooming in my terrarium for the first time, Utricularia campbelliana {Wei Tepui} : More to come : Not really a highland plant, but getting well as I have never been truly successful with this species, Pinguicula planifolia : Cheers Vince
From the album: Heliamphora
Developing flower bracts of H. ionasii. -
From the album: Carni Art
A piece about 10 years old.-
- Heliamphora
- Drawing
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Hi all, I've been keeping Carnivorous Plants since Dec 2012. Till today, April 2014, I have a handful of them. I particular love Dionaea Muscipula. I do have some Drosera and Cephalotus. I always love plants that are small and clump together. I chose small and packed plants secondly because of my very limited space in a small 90 meter² floor space home. As I started my very first plant from seed, a Dionaea Muscipula. I shall share the video of my very first plant germination and continue to grow for total approxmately 80 days, made into a short clip. Please enjoy, choose full HD 1080 and watch in full screen for best experience. :)
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Hey guys, my latest batch of plants i bought from POLAND. They arrived the other day and i planted them straight away, some indoors and others outdoors (larger plants). I am limited for room so most went outside. The Heliamphora i bought was a truely beautiful specimen so i planted instantly and thought that would grow the best out of all the CPs, but it's been slowly 'wilting' since? It's planted here in Mid-Wales, UK so has the change of environment had an effect? Looking at others care guides, i come to the conclusion he was probably better grown indoors
From the album: Bogs and Outside July 2014
From the album: Bogs and Outside July 2014
Bought this a year ago, and it seems to be doing very well on my window ledge. -
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes
From the album: Heliamphora and Nepenthes