I have sown some D.muscipula 'Red Giant' seeds at the end of November and they are not doing much since then to the present day. From what I have read up on venus fly traps is that they do not take long to germinate and are the most easy cp to grow from seed.
The media I used is a 1:1 moss peat, grit sand mix with live sphagnum on top and the seeds were sown onto the moss. They are pushed ever so slightly into the moss but enough that they were not entirely covered and have more contact with the moist moss. The seed tray that they are in are sat into a water tray and covered by the seed tray cover. Which is slightly too wide for the tray and leaves a bit of a gap that acts as a vent.
At first the seeds were on a west facing window cill that does not get much light this time of the year and a heat mat was placed under the water tray after a couple of weeks of sowing to provide a bit of heat. They were then left there for another couple of weeks and had noticed that nothing was happening. After reading some care sheets which said that light is a key factor for their germination, I then moved the tray and the heat mat to a south facing window where there is more light. They were placed on the cill around the 14th - 16th of last month and are there to the present day. But there is more activity from the moss (which is not very much) than the seeds and there is no sign of dampening off.
I am wondering whether I have missed something or I am being a bit impatient and have to give them more time.
Unfortunately I am unable to post any pictures up as tapatalk does not seem to work properly on my phone. But I will be grateful for any tips and advice that is given.