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Found 12 results

  1. Hi I have been growing two pots of mature sized cobra lilies since March in London and they have been thriving both on my balcony or windowsill, produced half sized mature stolons. But ever since around July the new leafs on the smaller one begin to blacken, then the entire plant begin to soften and collapse. I would have thought that survived the heat wave. Now there is no sign of growing and i can't seem to find pest, which I was thinking it could be spider mites. (above)this is before they started collapsing and dying: new leaves are tall and healthy. I was quite amazed by how fast they grow. (above) this is few days after. I have very occasionally put ice in the water tray, and tried to top it with cool water. I thought I could have shocked the entire plants. (above)These two are the mother plants now, which both have stopped growing too. There was at least two stolons on each plants and they have died too... see picture below which was taken a month ago.
  2. Did my seed sowing yesterday. Only 2 lots of sarracenia and darlingtonia each as have so little space. Anyone else done theirs yet?
  3. A few photos of plants from today. With the poor weather we're having things haven't moved on much recently and plants haven't yet got their best colour. Anyway, I'll start off with a few tall flavas the tallest being 91cm ATM. From left to right they are: S. flava, Dahlia Bog, VA (MK F5) S. flava, 120cm+ (Christian Klein) S. flava, Very large form, NC,WS(PW) (MK F32) S. flava, very large form, NC (Dennis Balsdon) (same as MK F32?) S. flava, Red lip, column and throat (ipF19) 6 rubricorporas in the next 3 photos: S. flava var. rubricorpora, Giant red tube, Apalachicola (MK F21) S. flava var. rubricorpora, Cv. 'Burgundy' ex. J. Ainsworth (P & J Plants), since renamed I believe S. flava var. rubricorpora, Sumatra, F4 WC N. Florida (Hampshire Carnivorous Plants) S. flava var. rubricorpora, Sumatra, F42 WC N. Florida (Hampshire Carnivorous Plants) S. flava var. rubricorpora S. flava var. rubricorpora, 'Burgundy' (MK F26) Tarnok flowers S. leucophylla, Hurricane Creek White, AL BB 2007 (MK L58B) Darlingtonia flowers outside Some mooreis in their first year with me doing well S. x moorei, "Esme Cowlard" (L18 x F18) 2003 cross (MK H192) S. x moorei, "Elizabeth Aydon" (L18 x F18) 2003 cross (MK H193) S. x moorei, "Welsh Dragon" (IS 2010) (Ian Salter) S. flava var. ornata, "Super ornata" S. flava var. cuprea, North Carolina (Tricky Utrici F6)
  4. Stu

    Dc1 runner

    From the album: Darlingtonia (Dc1)

    © Stuart Keeler

  5. Stu

    Dc1 Small

    From the album: Darlingtonia (Dc1)

    © Stuart Keeler

  6. Stu

    Dc1 Medium

    From the album: Darlingtonia (Dc1)

    © Stuart Keeler

  7. Stu

    Dc1 Large

    From the album: Darlingtonia (Dc1)

    © Stuart Keeler

  8. Unfortunately I am having to sell my collection of plants (mainly sarracenia) but I am hoping to hold onto a handful of plants to grow indoors on a sunny windowsill. My Darlingtonia has always grown well in my greenhouse underneath the staging where it is rarely subjected to full sun. In my new place, I hope to be able to grow it indoors, a few feet away from a very sunny West-facing window. Does this sound adequate as far as light levels are concerned? Thanks.
  9. Hello, here are 2 pictures of my Darlingtonia californica from Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon. my greatest treasure :)
  10. I finally got my Darlingtonia seeds to sprout, i stratificated them in the fridge for 4 weeks in some moist spag moss in a ziplock bag the Sewed them on August the 10th. This was my first try so i am a very happy bunny
  11. Hello, I'm new here so my name is Ricardo I have 15 years and I am from Portugal :) Unfortunately I'm not here for the best reasons :/ I decided to give a big step and try cultivating Darlingtonia, I bought my Darlingtonia from the site carnivoria.eu, I don´t have any complaints about the plant and the way she came, but I think she doesn't like my clime :S She initially went to the house of a friend of mine I did this because we made the order together. In his home the darling was like this: Uploaded with ImageShack.us (Forget the blue circle) She was in my friend's house for a week and a half. She was very good health as you can see... Then she started dry the tongues just a little bit and I thought that was just the dormancy... I went to pick her up, and she was like this: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Not much difference She was in Polonia because the cultivator of the carnivoria is from there, so very cold temperatures than at here Portugal is around 17ºC, she started dry the big pitcher and then other pitchers and now is like this: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us I don't know why is she like that :/ Is it because of climate change? She is in my garden to catch up with the cold, she is at winter full sun, but the vessel is protected, as moss at the surface .. The substrate is composed of 1 part peat, 1 part pine bark, perlite and 1 part 1 part moss ... I'm over watering and let drain into the dish. What can I do more? What's the possible mistake I made? Thank you very much
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