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Posts posted by SouthbayTraps

  1. Hello, I rarely have the time to post but am working on some really nice guides which remove a lot of the complications people run into when growing highland & ultra highland nepenthes.  In the mean time, I would like to share some photo's and have a thread to keep track of various plants from seed to maturity :D


    Nepenthes edwardsiana


    Nepenthes edwardsiana


    Nepenthes veitchii


    Nepenthes veitchii


    Nepenthes lowii


    Nepenthes lowii


    Nepenthes lowii


    Nepenthes lowii

    Nepenthes macrophylla - seedling

    Nepenthes macrophylla seedling


    Nepenthes macrophylla


    Nepenthes macrophylla


    Nepenthes izumiae


    Nepenthes izumiae

    Nepenthes hamata

    Nepenthes hamata

    Nepenthes aristolochioides


    Nepenthes aristolochioides

    Nepenthes rajah

    Nepenthes rajah


    Nepenthes burbidgeae


    Nepenthes burbidigea


    Nepenthes ampullaria 'tri-stripe'


    Nepenthes ampullaria


    Nepenthes ampullaria 'green blush'


    Nepenthes ampullaria


    Nepenthes bicalcarata


    Nepenthes bicalcarata




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