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Everything posted by Yossu

  1. Interesting, I keep mine indoors under lighting, as I thought they needed warmer conditions than a greenhouse. Have you used this before, or do you have any reason to suppose this is any good? I only ask as there are so many people selling this sort of thing that it's hard to know what's any good and what isn't.
  2. How can I feed them? They are seriously tiny! The only way I could see of feeding them is to spray the pot liberally with fertiliser, and hope that some lands on the dew drops (if there are any, the plants are too tiny to tell). I would have thought that would be risky, as I would be applying fertiliser to the peat as well.
  3. Was in the greenhouse before, and it was like a CP fly fest! There were quite a lot of insects buzzing around, and everywhere I looked, there were pitchers stuffed with struggling insects. One or two of the pitchers had enough bodies in that when a fly fell in, it didn't go far enough to get trapped, and just flew out again! One the one hand, this is quite exciting stuff, but on the other, I can see it getting out of hand! Anyone any experience of this?
  4. How did you get it to grow so tall? Mine has never got past about 3cm. It's doing fine, just doesn't get so big.
  5. Huh, I sowed some seeds a while back, and after an age, got some tweeny little plants growing. Several months later, they are still no more than about 2mm each. Don't know what I can do to encourage them to grow. And yes, I am jealous! Yours looks superb.
  6. Hey, if it makes us millionaires, I'm all for it
  7. OK, not wanting to be left out, I'm offering some exceptionally rare miniature Sarra hybrids for sale. These were grow by me from seed, in my own greenhouse, and are so rare that they don't even have names! For identification purposes, I will refer to them as "Mixed hybrids" which tells you how special they are. These miniature Sarras are so rare that they are currently only about 1cm high, which uninformed people might mistake for immature seedlings, when they are in fact hugely rare miniatures. Given time they will grow into even more rare giant miniatures! So, do I hear any bids for the first plant, a Sarracenia Yossuii? Let's start at £100
  8. Maybe I should buy all the large green plants and put them in full sun for a while before dividing them into tiny portions and call them something silly... this time next year I could be a millionaire ;-) The difference between those who become millionaires and those who just dream about it is whether or not they take action on off-the-cuff comments like this! You won't necessarily be a millionaire, but you could make yourself a lot of money, even by being honest about it! Go for it. Don't forget my sage business advice though, I'll settle for 10%
  9. It has a distinct characteristic, it's the only clone of that name
  10. I go along with all the comments here, you've done a great job, and we'll all miss your leadership. Glad to hear you're keeping up the hobby. Hopefully you'll stick around and keep sharing your experience.
  11. Yossu

    Asda Nepenthes

    Jaicen - I had a quick look around some of the (mainly Polish) CP sites, and saw plenty of cheap, albeit small Neps for sale. Don't want to name names, as the main two I saw were ones where I had bad experiences, but it looked like there were plenty around. Granted, you have to plant them yourself, and add your own plastic up! Manders - My Mum knows neps are weird, along with all other CPs! Mind you, she was quite taken by a Sarra I had, and put it in her bathroom, so there's hope for her yet!
  12. Please don't be offended, but as a Westerner, I always had the impression that Poland was a drab, industrial country. Those photos really destroy that incorrect impression! Even before I got to the plants, I was marvelling over the beauty of the scenery. Thanks for posting.
  13. Wow, what a beautiful photo! Never seen these in flower before. How old is the plant? I've got one that's only about a year or so old (last year's seedling I think), and am wondering when I can hope to see something like this. Thanks for posting the pic.
  14. Yossu

    Asda Nepenthes

    Occurred to me over the weekend, are we all getting just a little over-excited here? Whilst I'm with the rest of you (although happy that I managed to get all three), we're jumping up and down at the idea of buying a tweeny Nep for £4. Sure, they are a cute idea, but to be perfectly blunt, it's a tweeny Nep in a plastic box, nothing you couldn't do yourself. Looking around, I see places selling bigger Neps for this sort of price. Have we been caught by a false bug?
  15. Yossu

    Asda Nepenthes

    Well, go to your nearest Asda, at least one that sells home stuff, and have a look. They had quite a selection in the one I saw. Quite a reasonable price as well. As it happens, yes. Vampiresrus got me a Suki, a Bill Bailey and a Lady Luck. I don't know if they have done any others, but I have these three. I put them with my other indoor CPs, so they are (mostly) under some daylight CFLs. Hoping they are going to grow well there.
  16. Yossu

    Asda Nepenthes

    As it happens, when I was in an Asda the other day, I saw some very nice looking glass vases that would be ideal for growing these on. Can't find the one I liked most on their web site, but it looked like this one, but was more spherical, like a goldfish bowl, and was either £4 or £5. I was wondering about trying one as a showpiece for a single nep.
  17. Yossu

    Asda Nepenthes

    That list only shows you where they have had them at some point. Unless you're interested in looking up the number for every one in your local area, ringing them all up and dealing with the dumbkopf on the other end of the 'phone, it won't tell you if they have them in. Been there, done that, got fed up!
  18. Thanks to everyone for the replies, especially Gaz for the encouraging pictures! I put them in the greenhouse, and whilst the minor looks like it's gone, the heterodoxa actually looks a little better. I might leave it a week or so and see if there's any change before doing anything drastic to it. I'm hoping it might not be too late. If it is, well I'll see if there's a leaf or two that looks worth pulling.
  19. Thanks for the advice. As it happens, the two helis I have don't have a moss in them at all, but your comments are worth knowing for the future.
  20. Gaz, how would I deal with the leaf pullings? Never done that with a heli, so no idea what they need.
  21. Thanks to all of you for the replies. I've put them out in the greenhouse, and will see how they get on. I made the mistake of thinking they needed a warmer environment, which is why they were indoors. We'll see what happens. If they recover, I'll know better what to do with them. If not, I guess I'll just have to chalk it up to experience. Thankfully, in 18 months of this hobby, they are the first plants I've actually lost, so I guess I can't complain!
  22. Does get pretty warm in here. Because the CPs are on the windowsill, I can't open the window, as the way the surrounding buildings are placed, I get a strong blast through the window, and it was doing my Droseras a lot of damage. I have two computers running in here, and it often gets quite hot. It's about 30 degs today! Maybe I'll try moving them somewhere else. trouble is, that means moving them out from under the lights, as I don't have anywhere else to put the lights. Still, if it's that or dead plants, I guess it's a better option. Thanks for the reply.
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