Hello again,
You don't need them in the glass, but it does help keep the humidity up. On the other hand, it prevents a flow of fresh air, leaving you more susceptible to mould growing.
I keep all of the types of plants you showed, and the ones that I keep in the house aren't under glass, just sitting out on top of a chest of drawers under the lights you saw. They stand in a water tray (well, four of them actually), which helps keep up the humidity, and I mist them each morning. That isn't actually necessary, but it makes me feel I'm helping them! Actually, it probably helps the Nepenthes (#5 in your pictures) as they like higher humidity, but I have another one hanging in our morning room, and it's fine without being misted.
Having said all that, your Droseras and VFT look in pretty poor shape. In particular, the Droseras look like they have been kept too dry, as they don't look to have much dew on the tentacles. I have plenty of Droseras sitting out in the house, and they are fine, so I'm not sure your tank is even helping. I'd get a water tray and forget the tank. If you can be bothered, mist them once a day.
As for the lighting, I've never managed to work out how to compare LEDs with fluorescents for light output. The one you showed looks a pretty good price compared to what I've seen before, and if you look at some of the related links (this one in particular) there are even cheaper ones. For those prices, it's worth a try!
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like. That's how we all started. There are some very helpful and friendly people here who will be happy to help you get going.