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Posts posted by Yossu
OK, thanks. I'll see what happens
I was surprised, which is why I asked.
Any suggestions? Should I remove them? Anything I can do to prevent the others doing the same?
The odd thing is that it never has more than about five leaves. As new ones grow, the old ones turn black and die.
Is this normal?
OK, so I shouldn't really get excited about this, but my D. Regia has flowered for the first time. Whilst I quite like Drosera flowers, they are generally not that exciting, so I tend to snip the flower stalks off, cut them into 1" lengths and propagate new plants from them.
However, when my D. Regia sent up a flower stalk, the buds looked different from the others, so I decided to leave them. I'm glad I did, as the one flower that has opened so far is a beauty...
As I said, probably nothing to get excited about for the old hands, but got me all happy
Hmm, been a week, and two of the cuttings have gone brown and look pretty dead.
Should I leave them, or pull them out?
OK, thanks to both of you. Mine are actually fairly warm, as they are in my office, which stays a fairly constant warm temperature.
Any idea how long I'll need to wait? The video said a couple of months, but I don't know how the different environment would affect them. I'm just impatient!
Did you mean "Every single one rooted"?
Thanks for the reply. I'll leave them there then. I don't reckon I can get higher humidity than they are getting.
Will I need to acclimatise them when removing them from the propagator? When they root, I'll want to plant them, and they will have to come out of there. Will they need to adapt to lower humidity?
Thanks again.
That's not such a bad price. Looks like a lovely plant from the pic you posted.
Might try my local Asda. B&Q tend to have poor quality stuff anyway, apart from the lady who wouldn't take the bait and give me the plants for free!
On 6/18/2017 at 3:37 PM, bogtrotter2 said:
Nice shot. To this day I've never actually seen anything fall in / stick to / get trapped by any of my carnivorous plants whilst I am watching. Must happen when I blink or turn away because the pants are gorging.
When the weather is like this, my greenhouse is buzzing, and I can see flies drop into the Sarra pitchers quite regularly.
One pitcher was so full this morning that I saw a fly climb back out again!
That looks in pretty good condition. How much did you pay for it?
I was in B&Q recently, and they had some Sarras in glass jars, some of which looked very dry and withered. Someone else posted here a while back how he'd pointed something similar out to the person in charge of the section who said they weren't allowed to water them, and no-one was going to buy them anyway. The end result was that he walked out of there with four (I think it was) dry Cephalotus, which he subsequently nurtured back to health.
I thought I'd try my luck, and spoke to the lady in charge of the section. She didn't seem very interested, told me she'd just watered them and walked away! I walked out of there without any free plants at all
Some people obviously have the gift of the gab!
I have a Nepenthes Ventrata, whose two original branches had reached about seven feet long each. As some of the lower leaves were dying off (see this thread for a pic and the advice I got about it), I decided to have a go at snipping them down and propagating new plants from them.
I followed a video that Welshy (think he changed his name to North West Neps or something similar recently) showed me ages ago, and now have about 25 cuttings sitting in a propagator under a full spectrum light. See below...
The cuttings are in plastic cups of deionised water, with about 4-5 cuttings per cup, and the propagator was been partly filled with more water to make it really humid in there.
I'm wondering what levels of light and humidity I should aim for. The video said to keep up the humidity, but my plant was sitting on a windowsill, so not subject to much higher humidity than a normal houseplant would get. I did get a bit more, as it was sitting over a tray of waterlogged clay pebbles, but the levels in the propagator are significantly higher than that. I haven't put a meter in there to measure it, but there are quite a lot of water droplets condensed on the clear lid, so it's obviously quite humid in there.
The light was bought from eBay, but thanks to their hopelessly vague email, I'm not sure exactly which it was. I think it's a 36W cool white LED bulb.
Anyone able to comment if I'm doing this right or wrong? This is my first go at this, and I'd like to get it right.
OK, thanks for the reply. As I've already got the seaweed stuff, I might as well stick with it and see how it goes.
How does that compare to putting liquid fertiliser in the pitchers? That's what I do with my other neps, and can now do with two of the Asda ones. I guess if I got a small enough syringe, I could do it to Lady Lack-Of-Luck as well.
I've been using a seaweed-based liquid fertiliser (B&Q's finest!)
The Boss arrived back with the camera, so here are some pics.
First, the badly-named lady Luck, who doesn't look so lucky...
Next up is Bill Bailey, who is doing better, although not so great for 11 months under the lights...
Finally we have Suki, who is doing a bit better, but again, not like I'd hoped...
I'd be interested to see how other people got on with theirs.
Nah, the pitchers have never been big enough to get anything inside.
Actually, I did fertilise them the other day, as a couple of them are finally big enough to get a weeny syringe into the top of the pitcher. Obviously too early to say if this will help.
The growing guide said to spray them with fertiliser, but I didn't do that as it seemed bad advice. I know BE are experts, but they said you could use tap water and you should spray with fertiliser, both of which seem to go against what I've read around here for CPs. Spraying them would end up with most of the fertiliser going into the reservoir at the bottom, which didn't seem like a good idea!
Just wondered how everyone is doing with their Asda Neps. Been 11 months since I got mine, and I must say I'm disappointed. They are still small, although Bill Bailey and Suki have a few leaves out of the dome (but nothing like the size on the ones Manders showed). The badly-named Lady Luck isn't doing so well, very small, still completely inside the dome, and the pitchers seem to die off after a while.
All been cared for well, kept the water at the right level, plenty of light from some 6400K CFLs, in a spare bedroom, so warm enough. Other plants under the same lights are doing much better.
Was going to post some pics, but the wife has taken the camera out! Will try and get some when she comes back.
How are yours doing?
36 minutes ago, MGarland said:
Thinking about VFT and to an extent cacti, where flowering was a huge undertaking, I was coming at it from that angle - but it seems like this isn't an issue for the two sundew types I have.
I've snipped them off this time around so I don't get overwhelmed, but will be intrigued to leave one in future. Incidentally, in the pot, there are already tiny sundews growing around the edge so I guess they've flowered before. Are these little guys easy to transplant?
As to energy, one capensis just caught a medium sized fly by itself and they seem littered with tiny midges so I guess they're doing well. I'm not sure the Spathulatas have caught much yet but then they're so much smaller.
Capensis and Binata are the rabbits of the carnivorous plant world, so you don't need to worry about trying to propagate them, they'll do a fine job on their own! They are very easy to transplant when they are small, you just dig them up with some of the medium around them, dig a small hole in the other pot and place them down.
I don't tend to bother, as I quite like having lots of Droseras growing in my other pots, especially the Sarras, as they are quite tall. My indoor plants have the same thing, they are getting overgrown with D. Alicea, but I've left them there.
Whilst not disagreeing with the others (although I quite like seeing pots of taller plants with loads of D.C. growing around the bottom, the flowers of D.C. are quite attractive. I like to leave them.
Personal choice.
2 minutes ago, Tropicat said:
It looks very nice now, shaped like a heart. Can side shoots grow from the parts where it has lost its leaves?
Funnily enough, our son & daughter-in-law had a baby girl two weeks ago, and I did think of tying pink ribbons around the vines to make a large pink heart
. I'm just a softie at heart!
As for the side shoots, there are a couple, but they are higher up, not where the leaves died. That's one reason why I'm reluctant to cut off the long vines, as I would lose those new shoots.
48 minutes ago, Tropicat said:
My best spider catchers are my neps. They catch them in the night. When I look in the pitchers in the morning I see the creeps floating around in the pitchers....
If you keep reading you will show disgust on your face: I also use tweezers to catch them and put them in my CPs. I only use these tweezers for my plants.I don't have any neps in my greenhouse as it's unheated. I do have a pair of tweezers I use for feeding bugs to the CPs though
6 minutes ago, tatter said:
i do this also and eventually move on (not very quickly though in my experience)perhaps I have stupid spiders
Maybe we should introduce your spiders to my flies. Be an interesting meeting of the dumb and stupid!
On 6/5/2017 at 4:10 PM, Deltatango301 said:
Get a 12 bore
Now there's an interesting idea!
One way to get some more windows in the greenhouse
Thanks for the tip. Picture looks stunning as well.
3 minutes ago, Tommyr said:
It's pretty normal. Leaves don't last forever. Clip off the yellow leaves if they bother you.
Shame. Leaves (sic) me with a long empty stem down the bottom.
Guess it's time to clip them and propagate new plants form the clippings.
Thanks for the reply.
First Drosera Regia flower!
in General Carnivorous Plant Discussion
Mine lives in my greenhouse, so gets the cold in the winter. Might well be the difference. From what I understand, they need the cold winter for dormancy.