I am the other grower that currently has one of these amazing plants, so I figured I would take a moment and say a few words too :)
First of all, everyone is completely right to be skeptical. Too darn many plants are getting named and not enough have anything truly superior or different.
Before I begin discussing SD Titan, I want to talk about large traps and the current contenders for the largest trap. Anyone who has grown plants for more than a few seasons will know most plants, including B52 and DC XL, rarely put out traps over 3.8cm and anything larger than that, is pretty darn big. Most will also know just how rare a 4.5cm trap is.... Now, have there been larger traps on a plant? Yes. Most definitely. Do they only come from B52 and DC XL? No, they don't. Even most "typical" plants have the ability to, every few seasons, put out a few monster traps.... So just how often does B52 and DC XL put out traps over 3.8cm? The answer is rarely... And how often do DC XL and B52 put out a trap over 4.5cm? The answer is even more rarely... I personally know people who have grown B52 for many seasons, and DC XL, but never once saw a trap get over 3.8cm.
Since B52 and DC XL rarely put out traps over those sizes, are they really that special? The answer is no. 99% of the time you are growing a B52 or DC XL they are going to look like an average size typical. At least until they decide to get in that special moment every few seasons and push out 2-3 monstrous traps.... But, even most typical plants will do that. So again, are they really that special and do they really deserve their name?
Now onto SD Titan. Why name this plant? What is so special?.... Simple, SD Titan is the only plant in the world that will give you traps over 3.8cm regularly and every season. So far, SD Titan has out grown every plant in my collection and makes both B52 and DC XL look small 99% of the time.... Has it put out the new biggest trap in the world? Not yet.... Has it put out more giant traps than all other plants on average? Definitely. Mine has put out more traps over 3.8cm than every single plant in my collection. Heck, in this season alone my SD Titan has put out more 3.8cm+ traps than every plant I have ever had, combined. AND my SD Titan was nothing more than a small division last year. So in a single year it was gone from a "young" plant to a "young-adult" and has already hit 4.6cm.... SD Titan is doing something that no other current plant can do. There is not a another plant that makes 4cm traps average, normal, and happen daily.
Now for the part that really intrigues me..... What is the average sized trap on B52 and DC XL? I am sure it varies from location and grower. But for me, they both seem to average around 3.2cm 95% of the time. 4% of the time they get close to that 3.8cm mark and the remaining 1% they exceed 3.8cm... What is the average trap for SD Titan? I only have around 1 full growing season with SD Titan and it is still a young adult and wont be mature until next season. But so far the traps are averaging 4cm.... Steve has not told me what the largest trap he has ever seen on SD Titan was and so far mine has only reached 4.6cm. But, if this plant makes traps a cm larger, on average, than both of the 2 "largest traped plants". Then I personally can't wait to see what kind of trap it makes during that 1% growth period that allows the others to reach such massive proportions.
Of course, only myself and Steve have one of these plants. So this all means nothing to those who don't have one and can't come to either one of our homes to see it. So I say, "be skeptical!"..... It is good that so many growers are becoming so. We need to stop seeing so many average plants named and we need stop seeing so many average sized plants getting large names for the sake of money. And the more of us that speak out, the less of those that will try and sneak things through and create false hype around nothing...... So be skeptical, but get ready to see the biggest plant, on average, that you've ever seen!