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Nepenthes Lowii

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Status Replies posted by Nepenthes Lowii

  1. Yay finally i have moved my plants to the new greenhouse, look out Sales and wants ;-)

  2. Love the new photo!

    1. Nepenthes Lowii

      Nepenthes Lowii

      It it available in the US? Looks really nice.. although if it haves any purer ea in its I cant grow it where I live. ;-( I can't even grow roseas it so hot where i live.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Yay I've got a new profile picture

    1. Nepenthes Lowii

      Nepenthes Lowii

      lol.. he must be fun!

      My snake likes to bite me too... :-(

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Need to expand my VFT collection.

  5. Why is my drosera binata sagging.

    1. Nepenthes Lowii

      Nepenthes Lowii

      Wind, to many bugs, to much or too little water, to hot or cold

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