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Carnivourus Plants-fan

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Posts posted by Carnivourus Plants-fan

  1. Hi,

    I took my pullings on the first of August. Now after about 3 Weeks the first leave started to root.

    Root after only 3 Weeks

    I'm sorry for the bad quality, but I hope you can see the short root.

    The leaf is in a glass with deionised water and now all 5 leafs are still green.



  2. Hi Richard,

    I heard about some successfull rootings. Here is a link: http://www.fleischfressende.de/forum/haltung-und-kultur-f18/blattstecklinge-im-wasser-geht-das-t796-s15.html. If you read the post of "Gilgamesh" in the middle of the page, you will see that this way of propagating Dionaea is possible. After watching the video you posted I decided to try it on this way. So I pulled two leafs of my 'Akai Ryu', cut off the traps and pt the leafs and the traps in deionised water. I will tell you here, if I have success.



  3. Hi,

    I'm Benedikt from Germany, Bavaria. I like carnivourus Plants and I had cultivated them since 2 years. All started with a Venus Flytrap...

    I cultivate Dionaea, Sarracenia, Drosera, Nepenthes, Utricularia, Cephalotus, Darlingtonia,Pinguicala and Heliamphora.

    PS: Sorry, my English is not the best.

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