I have a small tank for some CPs. Just over 1 (tall) x 1 (deep) x 2 (wide) feet.
It was formerly a fishtank, with a 16" light fitting in the lid, which I would like to continue to use as it looks nice. It currently has a 15W "aqua-glo" tube in it (on a timer switch), which I presume is not bright enough. Now that winter is here, I need more light as I don't want to stand it in a windowsill any more.
I am growing a few small lowland neps in it (belii, campanulata, adnata, ampullaria), a genlisea hispidula and a bulbuphyllum orchid - yes it's pretty full! None of these need very high light do they?
I am completely new to this: what kind of wattage/tube should I go and purchase?