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vincent last won the day on October 31 2019

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  • Location
    Geneva, Switzerland
  • Interests
    Mainly Nepenthes and Heliamphora but also some commoners.
    Rock climbing, cooking, travelling.

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  1. N. sibuyanensis and N. argentii are found in similar habitats. About windowsill, this needs to be tried. But do you want to risk an argentii ? I wouldn't ;-)
  2. Hi, I do have experience with argentii. I grow it between 15 and 25°C in akadama. But let's be honest, the chances you got real argentii seeds are really very low. Almost impossible, as stated above by Nepenthesman.
  3. If I may, I think you should read some information about basics care for Nepenthes. Plants of this genus are tropical, and do not go dormant in winter in-situ. Good luck!
  4. Same here. I usually use this: Lowlanders: 1/5 dead sphagnum, 1/5 perlite, 1/5 peat moss, 2/5 Orchiata 9-12mm (orchiata are high-quality barks) Highlanders: 2/3 dead sphagnum + perlite 1/3 In my conditions, highland plants are not growing very well in peat-base medium.
  5. Looking good! I'm just having a doubt if eymae is really eymae. It looks more like maxima to me.
  6. I really like the setup. I hope the plants will like it in a long term!
  7. Could it be accumulation of salt, or fertiliser?
  8. Wow, such beauties! In particular spectabilis. The "body" of the pitcher almost reminds my of burbidgeae. What is that clone?
  9. Hi everyone, I'll try to pollinate my N. campanulata soon, but I have a technical question to improve the success rate. Do you stop watering the flowers in order to avoid washing off the pollen? Thanks for the advices.
  10. Nothing new, but my Lepanthes telipogoniflora is continuously flowering, and I really like it.
  11. The following 2 have some: http://www.ecuagenera.com/epages/whitelabel4.sf/en_US/?ObjectPath=/Shops/ecuagenera/Categories/%22Price%20List%22 http://www.en.mundiflora.com/lista-de-precios
  12. This really is the perfect plant and set-up. And a successful fertilisation ;-) Congratulations!
  13. I just tried a mix with Seramis. But it's really recent, so I can't tell much about the results (ok so far, though). 1 perlite, 1 pumice, 1 pouzzolane, 1 Seramis, 1 calcareous sand + calcareous sand surfacing
  14. I never hear about that, but that's very interesting. Let us posted about your results!
  15. Hi everyone, I'm about to receive some Mexican pinguiculas, and I am planning to put some pure sand on top of the mix as surfacing. The aim is to avoid algae development. So, the question is: which sand? Calcareous (same as I'll put in my mix), or the usual carnivorous plants one (quartz)? Did anyone compare these 2 side-by-side, to have an idea of what is best? I noticed a lot of moss development in the pot where I have my Nepenthes campanulata with calcareous gravel surfacing.
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