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christerb last won the day on April 7 2015

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    Carnivorous Plant, Orchids and Tanganyika Cichlids

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  1. Hi, I would describe Bario as being locate at a highland plateau, and the N. veitchi there grow as terrestrials. I have only seen one plant "climbing" a tree there and it was more draped on an almost horizontal tree stem. Batu Lawi is one of the mountains on the plateau, as is the closer neighbor Batu Buli. I have climbed the latter, but didn't see veitchii, but it is supposed to grow there too, as well as the trail towards Batu Lawi. According to the guide it grows in another habitat, not the cloud forest, were you could find lowii, chaniana and tentaculata. Maybe a kerangas type habitat fits it better, like the Bario type only at higher altitude. The pics I have seen show them growing up high rather straight trees. In the mossy forest I saw, the trees were shorter, gnarlier and covered with thick moss. That might explain their absence there. Regards, Christer.
  2. Stunning specimen! Nice seeing you grow some catts. Regards, Christer
  3. Thanks guys! No clone names on them. When getting some other plants, I added this one for fun, since they were cheap Very happy now that I did. Regards, Christer
  4. Hi, I tried growing this species years ago, and I can't say I was very successful. Last summer I decided to try again, and finally I am able to appreciate it. In July 2015 - I got two plants and decided to pot them together, since they were not very big. Today Various views of some of the pitchers Regards, Christer
  5. Always nice seeing in-situ pics, both of the orchids, and Nepenthes, a rather recently described at that. That insect looks like some kind of fulgorid. Regards, Christer
  6. If the origin of this seedling is correct (that is Mt Kinabalu) then I very much doubt N. veitchii is the other parent. As far as I know it has yet to be found there. Regards, Christer
  7. Hi, I can't take credit for the flower, as it arrived in bud. A small species originating from Papua New Guinea. I have it outside on the balcony right now, and it will go into a grow case when weather outside gets colder. I'll have to wait and see if I manage to keep it happy long-term. Flower gives off a faint citrus fragrance. Regards, Christer
  8. I might try my robcantleyis as house plants then. I can't say they are extremely slow, but the leaves don't increase in size the way I want. They are from the first and second seed release, and seeing other peoples plants from later releases being much bigger is frustrating. Regards, Christer
  9. Just looks better, and better. I haven't seen many growing this hybrid, which is strange as it looks very promising. Really like the pitcher colors. Mine is still small, and doesn't seem to be the quickest growing. Maybe it is being outcompeted by the more vigorous spectabilis x platychila in the same pot. Regards, Christer
  10. Looking good, also nice seeing one of my favorite orchids, B. grandiflorum. Regards, Christer
  11. That would make sense why it is not so widely distributed. Regards, Christer
  12. Very nice, great colors on them pitchers! I didn't even know that the Kinabalu form was in cultivation. Regards, Christer
  13. Thanks for letting me know, then it is a sibling to mine. Hopefully yours will grow quicker, mine has been quite slow. I did pot it together with burbidgeae x platychila to save space, maybe it is time to separate them. Regards, Christer
  14. Thanks, it's maxima x trusmadiensis. Regards, Christer
  15. Here it is. I didn't want start a thread just for this pic, but I will post it here temporarily until you have seen it. Only 10 cm tall, but I wish it was squatter (might change though). I like the distinctly ribbed peristome. Got hooked on this cross after seeing EP's plants, and the late Phill Mann had some really nice specimens too. From what I read BE's seed were from an Aussie source, but I don't know which N. maxima was used though. Regards, Christer
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