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    you wouldn't have any Drosera regia roots to spare I cant find any locally


    you wouldn't have any Drosera regia roots to spare I cant find any locally

  3. Tim


    That's what's freaking me!
  4. Tim


    So, among the several hundred 2 to 3 year old seedlings I have from Aidan's seed, one didn't go dormant last year. One of all the seedlings, as well as the dozens I've had for years. Her she is sitting among her siblings. I almost won't blame anyone reading for not believing this, but several of you have met me, and well....anyway....tell me what you think. Polyploidy or just the far right hand side of the bell curve?
  5. Tim


    We had a hot spell two weeks ago that lasted for two weeks, and starting mid week they expect another week of mid 70F weather. Some of my plants are starting to send up blooms. Anyone else? I hope they don't start sending up leaves too early, although hopefully a light frost in Feb. won't hurt too much.
  6. I guess that one's either male or female. I've got three, so odds are that I'll get lucky. They say cuttings from that particular Dio are very hard, but I've got a few under lights in a warm propagator.
  7. They're doing well, Jim. I've only lost 40 out of 100 this year, which is good compared to the last couple years, believe me. I'm bringing them back from the raspberry pollination job they were doing, and now am hoping for a nice eucalyptus harvest. The weather's in the high 60s and the trees are in full bloom. Walking by the hives you can smell the honey production from several feet away, and it's one of the nicest scents in nature.
  8. Seedlings are starting to get big. Don't know what I'm going to have to do for space!
  9. I thought I'd liven up this section with yesterday's pic of my one lonely Catopsis. The vines are D. elephantipes from seed I sowed two years ago, and I was unaware of the morphological range of leaves between plants.
  10. Hmmm. Well going from a nubile Slavic Naiad to a 47 year old California contractor.... This yellow flowered Tillandsia hasn't seen the ground in 5 years. One of the powerful, orchid like scented varieties which finally bloomed for me.
  11. Bayer has a product with "Merit" that's the same as what Europeans use for CPs under the name Provado. It's the only thing I've found that works, as those mealy bugs do their worst damage a few inches under the ground.
  12. Duvalia reclinata, a cutie with frillie things, and Stapelia divaricata, a big ugly
  13. Huerniopsis astrosanguinea, with a strange smell I just can't describe and Tromotriche englesiana, a back view
  14. http://www.asclepiad-international.org/
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