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Posts posted by ihatov1001

  1. It is G. glandulosissima, but the flower is deformed. If it will flower again properly, we will see if it is a true albino or not.

    Thanks for your identification. Let's hope this is a white flowered variant of G. glandulosissima!

  2. I've been growing this Genlisea as G. glandulosissima since 2012. Then recently the plant made flowers but the colour is different! The shape is also wrong but it probably failed to form proper flowers. If anyone knows what it looks like or exactly what it is, please let me know. Thanks.



    16717953724_24fdc7aa03_z.jpgGenlisea glandulosissima 4 by ihatov1001, on Flickr



    17314449916_e877102ac9_z.jpgGenlisea glandulosissima 3 by ihatov1001, on Flickr



    17154192099_f411891668_z.jpgGenlisea glandulosissima 5 by ihatov1001, on Flickr



    16720181343_f1882f6749_z.jpgGenlisea glandulosissima 2 by ihatov1001, on Flickr



    17152649578_bcfa4cb47f_z.jpgGenlisea glandulosissima 1 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

  3. This is a site close to my region and where 4 kinds of sudews coexist.

    The orchids with yellow flowers on the centre ara Epipactis thunbergii. Then the white flowers around them are Drosra peltata.


    Sun dews in the local habitat 2 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Sun dews in the local habitat by ihatov1001, on Flickr

    Drosera spatulata


    Sun dews in the local habitat 3 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Sun dews in the local habitat 4 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

    Drosra tokaiensis.


    Sun dews in the local habitat 7 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Sun dews in the local habitat 5 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

    Drosera rotundifolia


    Sun dews in the local habitat 6 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

  4. Sorry for putting up this old topic once again. It'll be the last..... I think.

    As I followed the advice on this topic, I'd grown Drosera glanduligera since last summer. Then finally I could meet the flowers and harvest seeds out of them.

    It was 4 April when I confirmed the first flower stalk. At that time the night temperature exceeded more or less 10 degrees Celsius. Then the first orange flower appeared exactly 10 days time although it seems to have already bloomed a couple of times. As I work, it was pretty hard to come across the flowers, which open for very limited time during day time of sunny day. And at the same time, the plants withered so quickly.

    I collected the first mature seed pod on 11 May. And later I harvested more. I don't know how many but they are at least more than enough for the next season.

    Thanks for all the advice above!


    Drosera glanduligera 6 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Drosera glanduligera 7 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Drosera glanduligera 8 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Drosera glanduligera 9 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Drosera glanduligera 10 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

  5. Hello Maiden

    As there isn't so much information on the Internet, it is really hard to seek out Stylidium ID isn't it? Yours is so beautiful whatever the name is. And mine is still unidentified too.....

    Meanwhile, the flowering term is finished and the cells look like expanding as a result of artificially pollinating. Hopefully I'll get some seeds from them.

    Stylidium sp.

  6. Really? As Andreas said , I can see them. I'll attach some more photos below. I hope they are visible this time. And I've also put them on a gallery below.





    If they are still not visible, please let me know. Sorry and thanks.


    Stylidium sp. 6 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 7 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 8 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 9 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

  7. Dear all

    I'm growing some trigger plants from seeds which I imported from Australia about 2 years ago. Then I could finally meet one of the species blooming pink flowers with dark red triggers this morning.

    But I got the seeds as S. diuroides subsp. diuroides, which booms yellow flowers. So obviously the one isn't S. diuroides subsp. diuroides.

    I looked up the information through the Internet. And I came across 2 of the likely species, S. brunonianum and S. tenue. But I'm not sure if I'm right. I hope anyone who is familiar with trigger plants would let me know the identification.



    Stylidium sp. by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 2 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 3 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 4 by ihatov1001, on Flickr


    Stylidium sp. 5 by ihatov1001, on Flickr

  8. Hello Siggi_Hartmeyer

    Happy new year. I wish you and your plants all the best.

    My ones have also kept germinating since the beginning of December. I'd like to gain as many seedlings as possible for the purpose of harvesting seeds next spring.

    I saw my seedlings catch small preys a couple of days ago. I'm amazed that such tiny insects still can survive in a cold weather. But yours seems to have caught larger insects than mine. Anyway I'm going to start feeding fish flake food to them very soon. And I'll keep informing you of mine.


    A seedling of Drosera glanduligera by ihatov1001, on Flickr

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