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    Reading, language(Especially English and German), CPs,

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  1. ihatov1001


  2. Thanks for your identification. Let's hope this is a white flowered variant of G. glandulosissima!
  3. I've been growing this Genlisea as G. glandulosissima since 2012. Then recently the plant made flowers but the colour is different! The shape is also wrong but it probably failed to form proper flowers. If anyone knows what it looks like or exactly what it is, please let me know. Thanks. Genlisea glandulosissima 4 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Genlisea glandulosissima 3 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Genlisea glandulosissima 5 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Genlisea glandulosissima 2 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Genlisea glandulosissima 1 by ihatov1001, on Flickr
  4. ihatov1001

    Venus Flytraps

  5. ihatov1001

    Pygmy Droseras

    I grow more less 30 kinds of Pygmies.Most of them are very easy to grow but a few of others are quite tough.
  6. I got them today. They are such brilliant books although being a bit too heavy and bulky to read them lying on bed.
  7. ihatov1001


    Wow! What a beauty. I also have some Thelymitras and they usually bloom in April.
  8. Yes, you are right. They aren't seen at this site but at the nearby site although I've never visited there.
  9. We don't have the distinct dry and wet season but the summer is comparatively wet and the winter is dry.
  10. Thanks all for the compliments above. They are distributed from the central to the south part of Japan and grow during warm terms unlike the other tuberous sundews in Australia. Hello kiscool_38 I think you are more or less right. They are Lycopodium clavatum.
  11. This is a site close to my region and where 4 kinds of sudews coexist. The orchids with yellow flowers on the centre ara Epipactis thunbergii. Then the white flowers around them are Drosra peltata. Sun dews in the local habitat 2 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Sun dews in the local habitat by ihatov1001, on Flickr Drosera spatulata Sun dews in the local habitat 3 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Sun dews in the local habitat 4 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Drosra tokaiensis. Sun dews in the local habitat 7 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Sun dews in the local habitat 5 by ihatov1001, on Flickr Drosera rotundifolia Sun dews in the local habitat 6 by ihatov1001, on Flickr
  12. Interesting! It looks like a creature from outer space.
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